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Poems by Jerry Whalley

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Below are poems written by Canada poet Jerry Whalley. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Jerry Whalley.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
03/27/2025 'Friends' 22 Dramatic Verse
02/06/2025 Poems to God that is 'You' 81 Free verse
09/12/2011 The Stream-Winners 607 Alliteration
05/02/2011 Civil-Writes 600 Free verse
12/31/2010 Eternity, Watching 747 Dramatic Monologue
11/05/2010 Expanding Negative-Space 822 Dramatic Monologue
11/04/2010 Mea-Culpatterns 580 Dramatic Monologue
06/25/2010 Headed In a Back-Words Direction (Eternal-Reverb) 1312 Free verse
06/18/2010 Ars Poetica 754 Dramatic Monologue
05/16/2010 Down-Light 813 Dramatic Verse
05/11/2010 The Adoration of Another Conflicted Kanuk 538 Free verse
05/11/2010 The Swell and Bell of Beat 426 Free verse
02/14/2010 Beloved - a Valentines Poement 485 Dramatic Verse
12/26/2009 The Music of Ice-Bergs 641 Dramatic Monologue
12/12/2009 Sometimes the Boiler Aches 515 Free verse
12/05/2009 Star Talk, Shadow Walk 728 Dramatic Verse
11/27/2009 Time Enough 490 Dramatic Verse
11/27/2009 Days of Shadow and Sea 489 Free verse
11/21/2009 Everything Is Gradual 421 Free verse
11/14/2009 My Noir Apotheosis 445 Free verse
11/06/2009 Metamorphoses 454 Free verse
11/03/2009 Aspiring 533 Enclosed Rhyme
09/29/2009 Web Dancer 403 Dramatic Verse
09/23/2009 Unbelievable ... 570 Free verse
09/23/2009 The Cloud of Unknowing 705 Dramatic Verse
08/19/2009 That's the Slippery Slope of Duality ~ 495 Free verse
05/28/2009 If Memory Is a Lie Then So Am I 613 Free verse
05/23/2009 The Gibson Stradivarius: 398 Lyric
05/13/2009 Fatal Moments 504 Dramatic Verse
05/09/2009 Jellyfish Back Strophe 1203 Imagism
05/02/2009 As a Requiem Unbound Would Be 635 Elegy
04/20/2009 Time Enough 428 Light Verse
04/15/2009 The Moebious Bird 438 Lyric
03/25/2009 Observations On the Edge of Eternity 528 Lyric
03/25/2009 Yatra Or the Art of Distraction 491 Imagism
03/25/2009 Aha: a Poetic Noetic Instantiation In Three Acts 1254 Limerick
08/24/2008 The Goatherd's Crooked Staff 601 Dramatic Verse
08/24/2008 When Eyes Crawl ... 676 Free verse
03/30/2008 Dreams of Mountains 386 Free verse
03/09/2008 The Alchemist 454 Imagism
03/09/2008 Blown Away 581 Imagism
12/28/2007 The Infinite Night 548 Free verse
12/28/2007 The Triumph of the Pen 515 Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things