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Best Poems Written by Charles Messina

Below are the all-time best Charles Messina poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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When I Dream Deep

As the mornings sun - begins to shine 
And memories of yesterday - I leave behind 
I get to see - another rising sun 
And store more memories - when the day is done
Thoughts in my mind- Which I hold true 
My life - what I've been through 
All those nights - when I dreamed deep 
My all-nighter's - I couldn't sleep
Remembering thoughts - from new, from old 
Good times, bad times - I still hold 
But tomorrow's sun - again will rise 
I may not see it - with my own eyes
For if I don't - and I... not awake 
I hope the sun - is yours to take 
To let you dream - into the night 
Savour memories - see the light
That will rise again - with tomorrow's sun 
And leave you memories - when the day is done 
Your thoughts in mind - that you hold true 
Your life - what you've been through
But if you don't - your eyes...not awake 
I hope the sun - is mine to take 
So that I can remember you - memories I'll keep 
All those nights - when I dream deep

Copyright © Charles Messina | Year Posted 2018

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Dawg-Gone It Nursery Rhyme

The man in the moon 
Was smiling at noon 
When he heard Mr. Fox 
Playing his cello 

On a late day in June 
He was playing a tune 
To the likes of Mrs. Pig 
And her fellow 

Mr. Cow came along 
And he sang to the song 
That the Chicken and Hen 
Started dancing to 

But it wasn't too long 
Before something went wrong 
Oh No! Mr. Dog got hit with
Mrs. Birds... poo-poo ((yikes)) 

Nursery Rhyme Poetry Contest 
Sponsor: Eve Roper 

Copyright © Charles Messina | Year Posted 2023

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The Best Christmas Gift Ever

I was one of seven children 
Raised in a tiny three-bedroom house 
The rooms were so small 
They could comfort a mouse 

Always, at Christmas 
We would cram 'round the tree 
And I'd look for the presents 
That were gift-wrapped for me 

One special Christmas 
Sorry, I can't remember the year 
But I remember the present 
That had shed me a tear 

My dad who was away 
Two months- offshore  
Had sent me a letter 
Just two weeks before 

He mailed it from London 
To our home in U.S. 
But it must have got lost 
Or the mess 

That's what I wanted most for Christmas 
I couldn't think of anything better
Not a bike, not a toy, nor money 
I just wanted to read my dad's letter 

I recall my mom telling me 
As I sat weeping on the floor 
I have one last surprise, son 

A Christmas Gift Memory Poetry Contest 
Sponsored by BJ Legros Kelly 

Copyright © Charles Messina | Year Posted 2021

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Farewell Lin Lane

Mind-boggled and confused, I am- no doubt
A trolley-bad soul has left their mark 
There is something I heard and learned about 
My sunny-bright morn, has turned a bit dark 

I learnt this morn, that a dear friend has left 
A beautiful poet, with talent- best 
Gone- 'cause of remarks or poetry theft 
So, all my fine poets, may I suggest... 

Not be a follow, to those who cause harm 
These people mean nothing, their loser's- first 
By chance, you know one...please, sound the alarm 
To all the fine poets...and rid- the worst 

Look what they've done, they have saddened our friend 
If I find who you are...well, that's- the end 

*Dedicated to Lin Lane

Copyright © Charles Messina | Year Posted 2020

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I Find Myself In Tears

Thinking memories back in my childhood 
Only the meaningful ones I recall 
I have so many, some bad and some good 

Camping in winter, spring, summer and fall
Biking and hiking through paths made of dirt 
Playing my most  favorite sports- baseball 
Rolling down mountains, grass stains on my shirts
So shy was I, so very soft spoken 
Flirting with schoolgirls in short mini-skirts  

I still have that amusement park token 
Hanging in arcades with some of my peers 
My first girlfriend- she left me heartbroken
Remembering...I find myself in tears 
So many memories, all of my years  

Terza Rima Form Poetry Contest 
Sponsor: Constance La France 

Copyright © Charles Messina | Year Posted 2020

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Pen Your Voice

Voices from a poets pen 
Soft ones, loud and then 
Speak your tongue, let it be told 
Let us hear your heart unfold 

Pen on paper how you feel 
Then show us all...poet's zeal 
Told in tell apart 
Unfold your voice, in your heart

Copyright © Charles Messina | Year Posted 2019

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I Think I Know

I think I know why the ocean flows 
Why the sun shines...why the moon glows 

I think I know why leaves fill trees 
Why flowers grow...why winds breeze 

I think I know why angel's- wing 
Why hearts beat...why birds sing 

I think I know why the deserts- sand 
Why mountains peak...why snowflakes land 

I think I know why friends are fun 
Why elders walk...why children run 

I think I know why skies are blue 
Why grass is green...why two is two 

I think I know why the ocean's flow 
why love is love...I think I know 

*Ref (I think I know why the ocean flows) 
From Vijay Pandit's poem "I Think I Know Why The Ocean Flows"
Poetic Lines From A Poetry Soup Poet- Vijay Pandit
Sponsor: Silent One 

Copyright © Charles Messina | Year Posted 2020

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We Are Poetry

It is not negligence on my behalf...nor is it yours 
It is the mere fact, of not enough time in a day 
It is not a beg for forgiveness...nor is it a forgiveness cry 
It is a knot, a knot that ties us to our robotic perhaps 
We the unknown...must show our faces 
Let others read our eyes...with no words spoken
Oh Silent One...can you hear me 
And Broken Wings Dear Heart, take our bandages and let them heal you 
Let Winged Warrior spread his love and light upon you... pass it on to others
Let the Sunshine's Smile warmthin you 
Let the Lyric Man's songs bring music to your ears
And finally, when the Poet Doctor...comes knocking at your door 
Let him in, welcome him gratitude 
The only medicine we one another 
We are he, and we...are all together 
We are poetry

Copyright © Charles Messina | Year Posted 2018

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King Size Bull-Crap

You may be living in a king size house 
Sleeping in a king size bed
Laying on a king size mattress 
With a king size pillow for your head 

You may wear a king size diamond
On your king size ring 
Or you may be living in a king size mess
Messing up everything
You may have a king size wallet
And a king size car 
But if you don't have a king size heart
It won't take you very far

You may use a king size mirror
For your morning face 
Or you may dress up like a Barbie doll 
With your king size make-up case
You may have a king size suit
And wear a king size tie 
Or you may be living in a plastic bubble 
Telling a king size lie
You may ride a king size Harley
Or a truck with king size tires 
You may even be a fireman 
Who puts out king size fires
Don't walk around like you're all that 
From the bull-crap you've been fed 
Just be yourself and just stay cool 
Don't wear a king size head

Copyright © Charles Messina | Year Posted 2018

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Tom and the Duke

John Wayne, once said... 
"Well, I can do it, but I don't know about my horse" 
Well, if anyone can do it... 
It would be "The Duke", of course 

Until one late evening, with the sky half blue 
Clouds of orange, deep purplish...too! 
When another cowboy went along with the ride 
Said, "I can do it too, but with my horse by my side 

Duke, thought for a minute, then he said
"Cowboy, what's your name, son" 
The cowboy replied- 
"Tom Cunningham- And I can handle a gun" 

So, the Duke thought again...
And with his patch on his eye 
He said, "Okay, Tom Cunningham... 
But watch out for the cacti" 

So, they rode while the sunset 
Till it rose early morn 
Then, they rested 'neath the cacti 
Man-handling the thorn 

They both proved they can do it...
And they did it, no doubt 
They got a butt full of cacti 
And they let out a........SHOUT!    

Dedicated to Tom Cunningham

Copyright © Charles Messina | Year Posted 2022


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry