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Best Poems Written by Chante Reeves

Below are the all-time best Chante Reeves poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Like Morning Doves, Together We Could Be

i am still getting used to this writing thing
this poetry writing thing
the mystery of hiding my madness
concealing my mad love
oh i love him mad
forgive the poor grammar - madly 
yes, i love him madly
like i said i am still becoming familiar with this writing thing
this poetry writing thing
i am lost in translation on Mondays
then bouncing from cosmos to cosmos by Sundays
i am more comfortable in the unfamiliar 
somewhere over there feels like home to me
i feel more love from the strangers i see over there
strangers who also cling to similes, and to metaphors, and to antonyms, and to synonyms
we all are clinging for life, and for purpose, for hope
strangers who are vaults to the secrets of the subconscious
strangers who are daring enough to address the flaws of the human condition
strangers who are brave
strangers who i believe love me for me; who love me solely for my creativity
who love me for my dramatic storytelling; who love that i am drama Queen
but back to this writing thing that I am still trying to get used to
this poetry writing thing
my flows are nothing like a Shakespeare nor my biases like a Ayn Rand
but the love of my life reminds me of them
he reminds me of them 
beautiful deception
his smile feels like a song that I can taste - so pleasantly sweet 
a relentless radical
he claims he'll drain all of my conservatism out of me
is the love of my life a male-Ayn Rand or a female-Shakespeare
i am never sure 
but he provides something deeper than ordinary to me
before he came along my days were ordinary
still, i cannot love him more
in the physical sense
i just cannot for i have nothing else to give
but through freehand or calculated poetry writing
this love intensifies
strangling me
but i breathe easily
petrifying me
but i reach my hands out to him happily, freely
i am reaching out to him through the writing, through my poetry
which explains how we met in outer space
so yes, I guess we did meet somewhere out there in outer space
maybe a 10-dimensional love for all five senses - his and for mine
i am not sure
i am never sure actually
but back to this writing thing
this unforgiving poetry writing thing

he asked me for one line

"short poems.. i struggle with" i said to him embarrassed but unashamed. 

he asked me for one line that could make things easier

"what things?" i said to him embarrassed but unashamed.

he asked me for one line

"like morning doves, together we could be - even tonight" i said to him

then i woke up.

Copyright © Chante Reeves | Year Posted 2015

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Bang, Back, and Still Blue

bang, back to me you come, twice, bang, bang, and bursting, at the seams with light and food and sounds like an old bagpipe, you parade my mind, you bastard, my big little baby, my mind, my baby, oh my, oh my, maybe with lies once tasty, and with patterns of behavior now shaky, blinded by sunlight but shady, these fantasies who rape me, or those who poorly rate me, and spit on my quality, they smile but shame me, time tells tales that take me back to you, you bastard, and ocean waters.. still blue

Copyright © Chante Reeves | Year Posted 2015

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What You Felt In That Moment


was he not a confident lover?


confidence is not letting what may be disheveled in you get so deep that it dominates 

so by day, be daring.


he transformed into all she needed.

he was all she needed. 

cliched or not, it all happened for them overnight.

he made his great-grandparents proud

after explaining "what you felt in that moment"

Copyright © Chante Reeves | Year Posted 2016

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A Love, Part 2

a love so defiant
so powerful
our embrace caused the Hudson River to go up in flames
as the passion inflamed us
out of fear 
I refer to this obnoxious love in the past tense
my past
too intense
prayer lifted me up to you
just with thought my plan would ricochet 
your English accent caressed my ears that day
the night 
you became my knight
yet here I am
looking for you

Copyright © Chante Reeves | Year Posted 2018

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What a Mess We Made

the love suffocates us
from floor to ceiling
i feel tension everywhere
i welcome 
the distraction
it combats 
the pain
he touches 
my face
then the love suffocates us
i inhale his exhale
the red room is destroyed
from floor to ceiling 
and for several hours
in a daze
his weakness
we're desperate
i'm anxious
i feel tension 
i scream that i trust him
to combat his pain
he touches my face 
again, destruction
such passion
from floor 
to ceiling
what a mess we made
i inhale 
his exhale
still, in a daze
the love suffocates us

Copyright © Chante Reeves | Year Posted 2016

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A Safe Room and the Five Senses

an embrace that tastes of vanilla, with scents of dewy rainfall and lavender, with sounds of chaos and ultraviolence, you orchestrate my mind, with touches of silk and warmth, and such a sunshine, in views of dark mahongany, and rough tree bark, I seen others, other humans, of melanin and magic, humans filled with laughter and bouncy conversation.. an experience.. in your Safe Room.. where your vulnerabilities protect me, where such desire combats my inner pain, longing for my inner peace, save room for my Safe Room, for your Safe Room, for an embrace, for a fire that will set ablaze, and a passion that will obliterate, a moment i should confiscate for later, but I choose to pour deep into you, be it for forever, be it for just a single day, be it as it may, 
I can no longer play it "safe".. not even with my own five senses

Copyright © Chante Reeves | Year Posted 2016

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What a Mess We Made, the Prequel

love her for the ride
she loves to riot
write to her
right or wrong
she loved
and it lasted
in tears and in longing
for simpler poem titles
in sweeter whispers
of nothing
in solidarity
in more of nothing
in a lover's soliloquy
or in simply - being
in love
would you dare
to love
the ride
or her
would you dare
make the mess we made

                                                         to be continued

Copyright © Chante Reeves | Year Posted 2018

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'save Room'

I remember.                                                                                                   You threw a few solid jabs 
at this dusty, old couch. 
I began to cough. 
(I even choked once or twice 
in this dust-filled air that you created.)
This is where I felt safe. 
Actually, I felt the safest.
With all of your flaws, 
your stubbornness, and Heaven! your smile...
I miss the taste.
Our memories created warm colors of harmony.                                        
I’ll never feel again. 
But I long to hear your song again.
You were a total mystery, but my favorite person.
The curiosity - alone - caressed my skin. 
(I had much smoother skin.)
It always felt right - right here.
We would always escape into our perfect forestry wonderland.
We kissed and then we danced each morning. 
I was free enough to write - right here. 
But it was in the dead of night, where we blossomed as one.
The power of your love moved me. 
I remember. 
It was undeniable and so overwhelming. 
But how did nearly twenty years pass us by?
(This dusty, old couch filled me with such wonder.)
To my dear, sweet John,
I know why we 'save room'. 
I know now.

Please save this room - for my love.

Copyright © Chante Reeves | Year Posted 2016

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that cannot be written away, or drugged away,
or drunk away, or dragged away, or wept away, or swept away
or kept away

but it crept away - far, far away.

                                                       no poetry, amphetamines, Jack or Hennessey, nor violence, tears, dust, no distance

Copyright © Chante Reeves | Year Posted 2016

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Homesick For Michigan

She noticed a wild beauty of her own-rain.
She lived in Michigan
Blue rain kissed the green trees
But only one tree made her heart sing
A storm was coming in the distance
A hurricane of peace forced her to dream big dreams
As the night of regret fades
The bear, the berry, the rain, the wild
All beautifully crafted
these new sculptors of art
Proper artists without knives
So she sang of ol’ Michigan’s nature to gray skies.
but this rainstorm was a storm of all storms.                                                                                           she cried, she wept, and then she fainted
 Michigan’s nature lived in her

Copyright © Chante Reeves | Year Posted 2010


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry