'save Room'
I remember. You threw a few solid jabs
at this dusty, old couch.
I began to cough.
(I even choked once or twice
in this dust-filled air that you created.)
This is where I felt safe.
Actually, I felt the safest.
With all of your flaws,
your stubbornness, and Heaven! your smile...
I miss the taste.
Our memories created warm colors of harmony.
I’ll never feel again.
But I long to hear your song again.
You were a total mystery, but my favorite person.
The curiosity - alone - caressed my skin.
(I had much smoother skin.)
It always felt right - right here.
We would always escape into our perfect forestry wonderland.
We kissed and then we danced each morning.
I was free enough to write - right here.
But it was in the dead of night, where we blossomed as one.
The power of your love moved me.
I remember.
It was undeniable and so overwhelming.
But how did nearly twenty years pass us by?
(This dusty, old couch filled me with such wonder.)
To my dear, sweet John,
I know why we 'save room'.
I know now.
Please save this room - for my love.
Copyright © Chante Reeves | Year Posted 2016
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