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Best Poems Written by Oscar Auliq-Ice

Below are the all-time best Oscar Auliq-Ice poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Black Man, a Noble Sight

In the land of sun and sand,
Where the world burns hot and bright,
Stands a man with skin of onyx,
A black man, a noble sight.

He walks with purpose and power,
His stride firm and unyielding,
For he knows the weight of history,
And the challenges of his being.

Through the centuries of oppression,
His people have persevered,
From the chains of slavery,
To the fight for civil rights revered.

But this man is not just a symbol,
Of the struggle and the pain,
He's a person with a story,
And a heart that beats the same.

He loves, he dreams, he creates,
With a passion and a fire,
And though the world may try to break him,
He stands tall, his spirit higher.

For he is more than just his color,
More than the stereotypes that bind,
He is a son, a brother, a father,
A man with a brilliant mind.

So let us celebrate this black man,
And all the beauty he brings,
For in his strength and in his love,
Our world is truly enriched.

Copyright © Oscar Auliq-Ice | Year Posted 2023

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A Woman, a Wonder, Beyond Compare

A woman, the epitome of grace
A picture of beauty, a sight to behold
She is like a flower, with petals in place
A wonder to marvel, a story untold.

Her eyes, like stars, sparkle with life
They speak of her soul, pure and bright
Her smile, like sunshine, chases away strife
A true source of joy, a delight to sight.

She carries herself with poise and charm
Her gait, a dance, a graceful motion
She emanates warmth, like a fire in a calm
Her presence, a comfort, a soothing potion.

A woman, a force, a power to reckon
She is fierce, yet gentle, a paradox so true
Her love, like an ocean, deep and unbroken
Her spirit, like a phoenix, rises anew.

She is a nurturer, a protector, a guide
A beacon of hope, in times of despair
She is a warrior, with nothing to hide
A woman, a wonder, beyond compare.

A woman is a wonder to behold,
Her grace and beauty, a story untold.
She moves with a rhythm all her own,
A dance of life, with seeds she's sown.

Her eyes are like windows to her soul,
A place of depth and wisdom untold.
Her smile, a beacon of hope and light,
Guiding us through the darkest night.

Her voice, a melody that soothes the heart,
A lullaby that can make us depart
To a world of peace and tranquility,
Where love and joy reign with humility.

Her strength is like a mighty river,
Unyielding, yet gentle and tender.
Her spirit, an unbreakable flame,
That can weather any storm, without shame.

A woman is a force to be reckoned with,
A power that can move mountains and shift
The tides of fate, and create a new dawn,
Where love and harmony will forever spawn.

So let us cherish the women in our lives,
Our mothers, sisters, daughters, and wives,
For they are the embodiment of love,
A gift from above, sent from heaven above.

So here's to the women, the queens of the world
Who make life beautiful, with their grace unfurled
May they always shine, like stars in the sky
And light up our lives, with their beauty and high.

Copyright © Oscar Auliq-Ice | Year Posted 2023

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A Symphony of Nature

Amidst the rustling leaves and gentle breeze,
The symphony of nature never seems to cease.
Birds chirping melodiously in the trees,
A musical ensemble that's sure to please.

The rustling of the leaves like a soft lullaby,
A soothing melody that can calm the mind's eye.
The chirping of the birds, a joyful tune,
As they dance and play beneath the moon.

The rush of the river, the crashing of the waves,
A harmony that nature constantly engraves.
The gentle patter of the falling rain,
A rhythmic beat that helps ease the pain.

Nature's orchestra, a masterpiece divine,
A symphony that plays with every breath and line.
Each note a wonder, each sound a work of art,
Nature's symphony, forever in our hearts.

Copyright © Oscar Auliq-Ice | Year Posted 2023

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A Womans Strength

A woman is a wonder to behold,
A force of nature, strong and bold.
Her beauty shines both inside and out,
Her heart full of love and her mind devout.

Her eyes are pools of endless depth,
Reflecting the joys and pains she's kept.
Her voice can soothe, calm and inspire,
Lifting up those whose spirits tire.

Her hands are gentle, yet firm and sure,
Working hard with a heart so pure.
She brings forth life with each new birth,
Guiding her children through life's worth.

A woman's strength knows no bounds,
She overcomes, she perseveres, she astounds.
She is a warrior, a queen, a friend,
Her love and compassion knows no end.

So here's to the women of this world,
May your dreams and passions unfurl.
May you know your worth and never forget,
You are loved, respected, and a force to be reckoned with.

Copyright © Oscar Auliq-Ice | Year Posted 2023

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A Warrior In Her Own Right

She walks with grace and elegance,
Her every step a dance of joy,
A woman of strength and resilience,
Her spirit free, her heart pure as gold.

Her eyes are deep pools of mystery,
Reflecting the depths of her soul,
Her smile a ray of warm sunshine,
That lights up even the darkest of days.

Her voice is music to the ears,
Soft and soothing like a lullaby,
Yet powerful enough to move mountains,
And inspire the world to greatness.

She is a force to be reckoned with,
A warrior in her own right,
Her courage and determination,
A beacon of hope in times of strife.

For she is a woman, strong and true,
A symbol of love and hope,
A shining example of all that's good,
In a world that sometimes seems so dark.

So here's to the women of the world,
The mothers, sisters, daughters, and friends,
May we honor and cherish them always,
And stand beside them until the very end.

Copyright © Oscar Auliq-Ice | Year Posted 2023

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A Melody Beyond Compare

In the darkness of night,
With only stars for light,
I wander through the trees,
Whispering secrets on the breeze.

The moon above shines bright,
A beacon in the night,
Guiding me on my way,
As I wander and sway.

The rustling of leaves,
A symphony that weaves,
Through the stillness of the air,
A melody beyond compare.

I lose myself in thought,
As I continue on my sought,
Journey through the dark,
A journey of the heart.

For in this silent space,
I find my inner grace,
And though the night may be long,
My spirit is forever strong.

So let the stars shine bright,
And guide me through the night,
For I am not alone,
In this world I call my own.

Copyright © Oscar Auliq-Ice | Year Posted 2023

Details | Oscar Auliq-Ice Poem

A Black Man

In the face of prejudice and pain,
He stands tall, with head held high,
A symbol of strength and resilience,
A black man, proud and dignified.

He bears the weight of history,
The chains of oppression and slavery,
Yet still he rises, unbroken,
His spirit burning bright and free.

He is a son, a brother, a father,
A friend to those who know his worth,
With a heart that beats with passion,
And a soul that's pure as the earth.

His skin is dark as midnight,
But his spirit shines like the sun,
A testament to his perseverance,
And the battles he has won.

He is a warrior, a hero,
A man of grace and power,
And though the road ahead may be long,
He will never falter or cower.

For he knows that in his heart,
There beats a strength that's true,
A force that cannot be broken,
A spirit that will always renew.

So let us honor this black man,
And all that he represents,
For he is a beacon of hope,
And a symbol of our common descent.

Copyright © Oscar Auliq-Ice | Year Posted 2023

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Love Is a Gift That We Give and Take

Love, a word so simple and yet so grand
A feeling that takes hold of our hearts and hands
It sweeps us off our feet and takes us high
It fills our world with colors we can't deny

Love is a flame that never fades
A light that shines through life's dark shades
It warms our souls and gives us hope
It teaches us how to trust and cope

Love is a journey that we embark
With every beat of our hearts it sparks
It takes us on a ride that we can't resist
A rollercoaster of emotions that persist

Love is a language that needs no words
It's a symphony that can be heard
It's a dance that we share in the night
A moment that feels so pure and right

Love is a gift that we give and take
It's the reason our hearts awake
It's the bond that ties us together
A love that lasts forever and ever

So cherish the love that you have found
Let it grow and spread all around
Let it fill your heart with joy and grace
And let it shine upon your face.

Copyright © Oscar Auliq-Ice | Year Posted 2023

Details | Oscar Auliq-Ice Poem

Health Is a Treasure

Health is a treasure we should all hold dear
For it brings us joy and removes our fear
It is the foundation on which we stand
The key to living life to its fullest, unplanned

It starts with what we eat and how we move
The choices we make determine our groove
Fresh fruits and veggies, lean protein too
Water, sleep, and exercise all help us renew

We must avoid the things that harm our health
Smoking, drinking, and drugs, they all stealth
Into our bodies, causing damage and pain
Leaving us to struggle to regain

Our health is a gift we should not ignore
It's something we must cherish and adore
For with it, we can do anything we please
Live life to the fullest, with ease

So let's make our health a top priority
And work to keep it in good quality
For when we are healthy, we can achieve
Anything we dream, and truly believe.

Health is the treasure we all seek,
It's what makes us strong, both body and physique.
It's the wealth that cannot be bought,
And it's the power that cannot be taught.

A healthy mind, a healthy heart,
A healthy body, a healthy start.
With good health, we can conquer all,
And rise up whenever we fall.

Our body is a temple, a sacred place,
A reflection of our inner grace.
We must nourish it with love and care,
And protect it from any wear and tear.

Exercise, nutrition, and rest,
Are the keys to feeling your best.
Stay active, eat well, and sleep right,
And your health will shine, bright as light.

Prevention is better than cure,
So make healthy habits a part of your lifestyle, for sure.
Take charge of your health, every day,
And live life to the fullest, in every way.

So, let's all take a pledge, today,
To prioritize our health, come what may.
For good health is the greatest wealth,
And it's the foundation of a happy, fulfilling life, in itself.

Copyright © Oscar Auliq-Ice | Year Posted 2023

Details | Oscar Auliq-Ice Poem

A Woman

A woman is a miracle of life,
A masterpiece, both strong and tender.
Her beauty is a sight to behold,
A grace that words cannot render.

She walks with a regal air,
Her eyes shining like stars above.
Her presence is a soothing balm,
A warmth that fills hearts with love.

She carries within her a world,
Of dreams, of hopes, and of fears.
She nurtures and she protects,
Through laughter and through tears.

A woman is a warrior,
Who fights for her family and her kin.
Her spirit unbreakable,
Her strength a force to reckon with.

In her embrace, one finds solace,
A shelter from life's raging storms.
Her love is a bond unbreakable,
A light that guides and transforms.

So here's to the women of the world,
Whose light shines brighter than the sun.
May we cherish and celebrate them,
For all that they have done.

Copyright © Oscar Auliq-Ice | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs