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Best Poems Written by Paula Goldsmith

Below are the all-time best Paula Goldsmith poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I Reminisce, I Miss

I reminisce, I miss....
The smell of fresh home baked cookies,
today they come from a box of stale goodies.
Please and thank you,
now very seldom heard.
When kids were kids just having fun,
not tied to a computer so they cannot run.
Life was work hard with simple things,
like flowers you would bring.
The days of old are long gone,
never to return.
The ones I loved,
the ones that loved me are all gone.
I reminisce, I miss....
Date Written: 3/17/2021
3/19/2021 Poem of the Day
1 Place
I REMINSSE I MISSContest Judged: 4/13/2021
Sponsored by: James Edward Lee Sr.

Copyright © Paula Goldsmith | Year Posted 2021

Details | Paula Goldsmith Poem

One Life

There have been those who said,
what a privileged life you have.
People only see what they want to see,
jealousy is a terrible thing.
Jealousy makes you ugly shades of green,
as you are totally consumed.
Where were you when I cried all night long,
only to find an alligator tear soaked pillow in the morning.
Where were you when we were married on thirty-five dollars,
no car~home or jobs.
I had no breakfast,
on Friday I would split a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch.
People have been meaner than I can write,
their words and actions with much delight.
I learned from two ladies,
they both had very similar lives.
Both should have been filled,
with hate.
One was,
it ruined her life.
The other lady,
kept love~happiness all around.
Hurt is a troubling thing,
life is filled with all kinds of hurt.
Some hurt you can see,
some hurt you cannot see.
Hurt is still hurt,
it fills one with pain~tears.
As for the second lady,
I also believe in love~happiness all around.
I love to give smiles out,
did you know they are Free???
I say~never judge a person on what you see,
you may find an alligator tear soaked pillow in their bed just like me.
Date Written: 4/20/2022
6 Place
Anything You Want - New Poems Only Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Chantelle Anne Cooke

Copyright © Paula Goldsmith | Year Posted 2022

Details | Paula Goldsmith Poem

My Hero

I hear them say,
a hero has courage and is admired.
Hero only has four powerful little letters,
I wonder who would fit that strong picture.
A man who left the home~family~to fight a war,
who went cold and hungry.
From towns and villages he and his men went,
trying to help humans in another land.
Their days turned into many long months,
then cold winds and snow set in everywhere.
Some nights the farmers kept him and his men warm,
they were put in their barn with their animals.
Everyday came with hunger,
but there was no food to eat.
Sometimes the farmers would give them a cup of hot soup,
they shared what little they had.
After many months of seeing death at his door step, 
he and his men could finally come back home. 
Now thinner and wiser,
he needed to find a job for his family.
At first I said,
my dad was my hero~he is.
Then I looked at the farmers from the many towns~villages,
they kept my dad alive for many long months.
Can there be more than one hero to a story,
I most definitely think so and this was the proof.
Date Written: 7/18/2022
Note: True Story
7/24/2022 "Poem of the Week" Winner
~ And ~
2 Place
To Honor My Hero Contest
Sponsored by: Anoucheka Gangabissoon

Copyright © Paula Goldsmith | Year Posted 2022

Details | Paula Goldsmith Poem

At a Funeral

At a funeral we,                                                                                                              are sad,                                                                                                                          cry,                                                                                                                                  say goodbye.


At a funeral we,                                                                                                              hear the music play,                                                                                                      listen to words of condolence,                                                                                        say prayers,                                                                                                            revel over birds singing.


At a funeral we,                                                                                                              see the beautiful flowers,                                                                                              enjoy the friends,                                                                                                            meet with the family,


At a funeral we,                                                                                                              are just us two,                                                                                                            are forever more,                                                                                                        dread the day the world ended,                                                                                      rejoice the day you are in heaven.


At a funeral we,                                                                                                              had to say goodbye,                                                                                                      say goodbye to my love,                                                                                                say good bye to my best furry friend,                                                                            remember the one who was always in the best fur coat,                                              remember the one who was always there,                                                                  remember the one who always listened to every word,                                remember the one who is now on the Rainbow Bridge waiting for me.

(Fox Face 1987 to 1998)

Date Written: 8/7/2020

4 Place   

All Pets Go To Heaven Contest Judged: 8/24/2020                
Sponsored by: Constance La France 

Note: To the animal lovers, you may want to look up: Rainbow Bridge (pets) - Wikipedia    The Rainbow Bridge is a meadow where animals wait for their humans to join them, and the bridge that takes them all to Heaven, together. The Rainbow Bridge is the theme of several works of poetry written in the 1980s and 1990s that speak of an other-worldly place where pets go upon death, eventually to be reunited with their owners.

Copyright © Paula Goldsmith | Year Posted 2020

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Writers Write To Write

Quote By Poet "Art can come from anywhere.
Paint with paint or paint with words."
Writers write to write with pen or computer in hand,
we hope when done it will be grand.
The day could start out writing slow,
as the words now start to grow.
Day turns into night then back to day,
as our fingers want to play.
Is it now time to eat,
lunch must be in a bowl at our seat.
Our letters and words,
are flying across the page like wild birds.
Is this leading us on our merry way,
never knowing what we might say.
At last the day is done,
it has been filled with creativity and fun.
Off to bed to get some sleep,
now time to count the big blue sheep.
Will dreams give me a new poem to write,
is this crazy writing world my birthright.

Copyright © Paula Goldsmith | Year Posted 2023

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Does God have more than one name,
in the bible many names can be found.
In Exodus Moses said,
"The LORD Is My Banner."
Jehovah Shalom,
"The LORD our Peace."
Then we have Jehovah Raah,
"The LORD our Shepherd" from the Psalms 23.
Some young children call God,
"Abba" or "Abba Father."
A Hebrew word for His name is,
The list of names can go on but the main point is,
to call on God.
Not only when things go bad,
but everyday.
To say thank you daily,
for all our many blessings.
With our earthly minds,
we cannot comprehend how great our God is.
When heaven comes,
we will then know how great our God has been.

Copyright © Paula Goldsmith | Year Posted 2023

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From Young To Old

The story of life from young to old is the same old story told over and over.
We start out and end in diapers.
We start out and end with no teeth.
We start out and end eating soft foods we do not like the taste of.
We start out and end falling down.
We start out and end needing care.
We start out and end crying day and night. 
We start out with nothing and end taking nothing with us.
We only have the precious time between young and old to live a life of love to others.
The story of life is the story we leave behind.

Date Written: 6/7/2019
A contest on aging Poetry Contest  sponsored by  Emile Pinet

Copyright © Paula Goldsmith | Year Posted 2019

Details | Paula Goldsmith Poem

New Year 2024 - POTD

Now the year is
With a toast to

You and yours may
Every dream come true
As you
Roar into the bright New Year~2024

Copyright © Paula Goldsmith | Year Posted 2023

Details | Paula Goldsmith Poem

My Truths - POTD

Quote By Poet "What I have learned, peacemakers are everything."

                        My truths shall set me free,
            to be the creative person I must be.
Always free to live the life God wants for me,
the life to show Him I do care for Him.
                        Truth can come in many sizes,
it is all about how we look at our life.
My truth about giving and receiving one's love is priceless,
      some things in life one cannot put a price on.
            Love in deeds and words are a must,
                         I will not give out pain.
For that is what this world so freely gives out,
            my truth wants to live in peace and kindness daily.
      Showing I care for the world,
                        my truth and Thee shall always be alive.

Copyright © Paula Goldsmith | Year Posted 2024

Details | Paula Goldsmith Poem

His Words

Mr. Matsuo Basho
danced his words with delight
making better poets
Date Written:1/6/2022
Note: Mr. Matsuo Basho Lived 1644 to 1694
1/7/2022 Poem of the Day

Copyright © Paula Goldsmith | Year Posted 2022


Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry