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Panagiota Romios Poem
~Poetesses and Poets, Divine~
All over this great planet we live,
Penning our thoughts, and love to give!
With our hearts, as lanterns so bright,
Writing with hearts into this summer night.
Pen thee, then, of nature’s fine beauty.
Quietly, we are world Muses on duty.
Creations we form of happiness and sorrow.
Moonlight and dreams, on which to borrow!
A hug from me, now..close your eyes.
Tomorrow is both a gift and a surprise!
Panagiota Romios
Copyright © Panagiota Romios | Year Posted 2022
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Panagiota Romios Poem
The joy, the camaraderie, the smoke.
The great ale, my great friends in Chicago.
Old Town, North Avenue, twas Chicago,1967.
O' Rourke's Pub, where else?
Smoky, filled with excellent, lively,repartage
and boisterous, glorious laughter.
Great friends like Roger Ebert, international
film critic now in heaven.
Or Tom Erickson, who was in Damien II, a
great actor and my boyfriend, too.
Even a future Congressman was one of us!
I see him currently on the House Floor, fume
and fuss.
But when I knew him he was a Black Panther!
Guess he lost his beret on a CTA bus?
Gone, gone,the world is so empty without them.
As silent as a banned, Covid-empty church pew.
Hellers we were, full of vodka, vim and vigor.
Joy and love was our de rigeur!
And of course...tasty, foreign liqueurs.
Second City Imrov Actors joined us, too.
I never dreamed that one day I'd share that stage
with other famed Second City crew.
We were all like close family...
Writers, actors, actresses and patriots, too.
We marched for civil rights and ending
the war in Viet Nam.
But never violent nor did we hurt anyone.
I still have my leather peace symbol~ with
What pride I wore it.
No swearing or hurting did we once do!
Today's marches resemble rabid animals
Escaped from a mental health zoo.
These memories, oh, pressed like sweet roses
in my heart's golden memory book.
Oh, take me back in time, God, I beg you to
have just a peek in that window for one-more
last look?
To see the portrait of Brendan Behan,
To hear the bagpipes once again play.
To celebrate New Years Eve when O'Rourkes
Was on that one night, by invitation only.
'Tis no wonder this poetess gets so lonely!
It was indeed one of the many best times of
my life.
Whilst many were in bed by nine... playing
husband and wife,
We were discussing news, jokes and life!
Some ended up with their names, on the
Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Such funsters and carousers, we.
Our goal: to celebrate life with vigorous hilarity.
News was not told by high paid TV liars.
My old friends who were truthful writers,
Whom I so admired.
Today my life..silent as a small dinner bell.
My new friends? Poetry Soup.
From the wild life...totally retired.
But..if I could turn back the hands of time,
I would go back to glory days, on a dime!
August 10, 2020
4am PST
Copyright © Panagiota Romios | Year Posted 2020
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Panagiota Romios Poem
Oh, Lord! Lest one is asleep,
the purge to kill you,yet again,
is quite deep.
Some, who read your word in
the Bible, re-create it, with myths
that are long and deep.
Or, they in arrogance and fervent
ignorance stomp, on your words
as but fairy tales.
They are turning the tables on you,
woking hard to make you a fable!
As in days of Hitler, we who believe,
are shot dead in Temples and churches!
(Then, they blame guns!)
We live in a society in great pain.
Of course, bullets in this society reign!
We are being attacked for any freedom
of speech of you, and are always
We are beaten and called names by lost
soul jerks.
We open businesses but those who hate
your children want all of them shut down.
Because the businesses won't support the
killing of babies.
They torture us wearing their popular~~
'freedom of choice' crowns.
Churches are objects of derision.
You, God, they wrongly surmise is the
source of any division!
Poets here, who write of you, are
mostly passed over as "boring."
Your creations are adored ad infinitum~
They drool, however over their dog,
The seas, the birds, the splendor in all
the flowers.
Their poetry glories!
Of these they write and sing for endless
Of you? Bah, humbug!
Our serenity, our hopes no longer lies in you.
But in politics, poetry, news, movies, booze,
sex-aplenty, self-adoration and calming drugs.
Oh, Lord~ we are so lost!
Have Mercy on us all, I beg!
POTD*. 10/17/2019
Copyright © Panagiota Romios | Year Posted 2019
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Panagiota Romios Poem
C- Confidence in achieving your goal.
O- Optimism~that is it is within reach.
U- Upwardness is all you allow
yourself to see.
R- Resolute in catching that star~
that dream.
A- Assurance that you have what it takes.
G- Gratitude in each step toward success.
E- Enthusiasm is how you lead
yourself and your team.
O- Optimism is the watchword of
your day.
U- Unfailing to keep your eye on the prize.
S- Spirituality plus, humility that you
need God in all you pursue.
September 23, 2020
3:30pm PST
Copyright © Panagiota Romios | Year Posted 2020
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Panagiota Romios Poem
Sunset Shiverings
When the sun goes down
we shiver, it's cold!
Stop complaining, you look so old!
Inside,don a warm sweater.
Ah, yes~ so much better!
Now light the fireplace
Warm my chilled hands.
My lips.
November 16, 2019
Copyright © Panagiota Romios | Year Posted 2019
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Panagiota Romios Poem
I do at dawn, reflect.
God made me, perfect.
Thus, my thoughts to reflect.
Bright with affirmations to collect.
Only positive thoughts to project.
To no friend, coldly neglect.
Just humble be,and not correct,
But to all, show great respect!
And, tis not my place to expect,
But to accept others and protect.
Shining in all their glorious aspects.
Fellow poets with which to connect,
With great poetic talent bedecked!
10/28/ 2021
Copyright © Panagiota Romios | Year Posted 2021
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Panagiota Romios Poem
~Yes, I Know I Won't Be Here Forever~
Sometimes, I just don't realize,
How golden my minutes are.
I sit around and criticize,
Like a hapless drunk in a bar.
Yes, I know I won't be here forever!
The decades, as dreams, swiftly pass,
My irritability gets the best of me.
I complain too much and sass,
Surprised I am not banished to sea.
Yes, I know I won't be here forever!
I never seem to fully appreciate,
That each minute never is coming back.
Time to love and not to berate,
All the beauty God laid in my life's track.
Yes, I know I won't be here forever!
June, 19, 2020
Poem# 1254
6:30pm PST
Copyright © Panagiota Romios | Year Posted 2020
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Panagiota Romios Poem
Oh, I admire so, any poet who is willing to be real.
This is my personal, on-going, endless longing!
A poet-soul unafraid to swim against the current!
To stop hiding behind a costume of image-filled words.
And fly in the face of popularity!
A poet who is an eagle that soars, fearlessly.
Rising high, high above the poet crowd and realizes,
A poet's heart is human and needs ever so much more!
September 14, 2019
Copyright © Panagiota Romios | Year Posted 2019
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Panagiota Romios Poem
Darkness slithers in.
Mysterious, under my skin.
Cat, cuddles and grins.
Rhymeed Senryu
Copyright © Panagiota Romios | Year Posted 2021
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Panagiota Romios Poem
I let go of living in sadness.
My life seemed going nowhere,
and looking back now, it all
seemed like madness!
It wasn't because she did
gymnastics with boorish
poetic forms.
Nor was she cute or wordy.
using only the shortest
I was in search for something
far deeper that healed me with
human warmth and a soul balm.
Best of all, through her, I was
to learn to waltz happily with
shadows of my past!
And to know that love seems
to end, but I found contrarily it,
in another form, always lasts.
I kept coming back to read her
at the Soup.
And, finally,after a number of
I concluded to sign up and
express myself with my freshman,
weak pen.
I used to write the saddest poetry,
before I came here.
I try now to stay away from poets
who hate my country, or get joy out
of living in lost love or sadness.
And to avoid all who laugh at and
demean myself!
Belittling others in a poem, creates
and furthers world madness.
Indeed my days have transformed
from gloom to splendiferous gladness.
No hopelessness nor grief can
fingerprint my life any longer.
And in the days to come, may
my words become far stronger.
**Her name is known best to the
the humblest of the twinkling
stars and God's ears**
With affection and thanks~
Copyright © Panagiota Romios | Year Posted 2019