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C- Confidence in achieving your goal. O- Optimism~that is it is within reach. U- Upwardness is all you allow yourself to see. R- Resolute in catching that star~ that dream. A- Assurance that you have what it takes. G- Gratitude in each step toward success. E- Enthusiasm is how you lead yourself and your team. O- Optimism is the watchword of your day. U- Unfailing to keep your eye on the prize. S- Spirituality plus, humility that you need God in all you pursue.         September 23, 2020            3:30pm PST

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 7/3/2024 12:38:00 PM
Hi there, I really found this positive acrostic to be wonderfully spiritual and very motivational. Oldie but goodie!
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Romios Avatar
Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/3/2024 1:23:00 PM
Hi Deb..glad you found this, After so many writes. I forgot what I wrote LOL. I am unafraid to write about anything. I wont write indecennt poems, just to get a laugh. Remember I told you about stand up? My two mentors said..No indecent jokes! I guess that carried over into my life, too. Its OK to make myself the butt of a joke. But do not demean others. ThanksDeb….Pangie 112 outside Ugh!
Date: 9/24/2020 2:20:00 AM
I love the uplifting power and encouragment your poem delivers. A fav for me. Thank you. Emilia x : ) (soupmail)
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/24/2020 11:27:00 PM
Hi Emilia, thank you, dear friend. Don't forget ti read ee Cummings LET THEM GO, Shine like the star you are, Pangie xx
Date: 9/23/2020 10:01:00 PM
An acrostic that would not look out of place on your wall, well thought out and written. Tom.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/24/2020 11:23:00 PM
Hi Tom...thanks ever so much)) Pangie xx
Date: 9/23/2020 5:51:00 PM
What a great management motto, Pangie! Should be ideals that all managers should stress and all youngun's entering the work force today to strive for! Bob H
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/23/2020 6:05:00 PM
Hi Bob... Good points, Sir! I need them to manage me... Pangie xx
Date: 9/23/2020 4:18:00 PM
Nicely done, Pangie. I agree with Darlene - everything in your acrostic is true. Optimism is so important to courage that it's listed twice. I also like how you included gratitude and spirituality, so important! Blessings my friend ~ John
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/23/2020 4:29:00 PM
Thanks John..all I can say is I do my best. I know any talent I have was a gift from God. None of my doing, that's for sure! This keeps me humble and not a Poet with a fat head. My son in law wrote some killer baseball footies...but he's been plaing since a kid and coached Little League. I can't post his works! You would like them... Pangie.xx
Date: 9/23/2020 3:48:00 PM
Hello Panagiota, everything you said in this poem are all true. Hugs Darlene xxxx-oooo
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De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 9/25/2020 11:32:00 AM
Hello Panagiota, yes get some rest my friend. You have s poem. Hugs Darlene xxxx-oooo.
Romios Avatar
Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/23/2020 4:06:00 PM
Hello Darlene, I tried hard to get this right. Have a p,eats ant Canadian evening. I pistes so many yesterday, I am worn out. Better get some fresh coffee...I have more to post. Yaaa! Thanks Pangie xxx

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