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Best Poems Written by Jacob Jones

Below are the all-time best Jacob Jones poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Hate Is Hate

Hating hate
Is still hate
hate is not defeated with hate
hate is not defeated by love
hate is quelled with understanding
we have forgotten how to listen
instead of listening to understand
we only listen for disagreement
so busy fighting for the scraps 
of the american dream
we stopped listening
so far RIGHT you can't see
so far LEFT you cannot hear
both sides equally angry
both sides equally scared
so instead of listening to each other
to understand
we listen to the whores of big business
we put our faith in politicians
who have not our well-being in mind
but the profit line of their financiers
pass bills that destroy
people and things
instead of putting our faith in each other
we have put it into politicians
that know nothing about the daily existence
of the average person
we have turned our back on common sense
continue on with antiquated beliefs 
beliefs which have funded and caused wars
outright theft
all in the name of progress and civilization
we are unable to believe in something
but accept that somebody else has the right to 
their own beliefs.  
what happened to the middle
what happened to cooperation
it doesn't exist because agendas 
normally don't get finished in the middle
I CHOOSE the middle, i have no agenda
I CHOOSE to listen first
I CHOOSE to make an effort to understand
Both sides
Why do you hate what you hate
Then try to make that hate go away
and the only way that happens
is if we get to know each other 
I choose to start listening
It's hard to hate things you know and understand

Copyright © Jacob Jones | Year Posted 2019

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This is me
Laid out before you
Nothing to shield me from your eyes
What do you see
Who am I to you
Do you see the holes in me
Can you see the missing pieces
I am not what you see
I am not who you think I am
I am many things you’ll never know
I hide behind kind eyes
And friendly smile
They shield me from your judgments
I am sensitive
I quietly absorb the critiques
And harsh words
I feel your glares
They cut me deep
I weep silently for missing parts of me 
That no one will ever know about
I wander the woods in solitude
Wondering why who I am bothers you
Why do you care that I write
That I love
Who I give my love to
Do you care that my heart is broken
Lost love
Kept secret
Why does my daily routine bother you
I am normal
To me
You should be more like me
Is what I think 
Inside my head
Move like me
Think like me
eat like me
live like me
I am me 
I am normal
To me
Not to you
Do you see my tears fall
On these quite walks
As I put down tobacco
And say my prayer
Hoping that somehow
My words find the creator 
And he gets them where they need to be
I am not a big dumb animal
I am not a beast of burden
I am not hard and unfeeling
I am me 
A free thinker 
Scared to voice his thoughts
Actions scream louder
Than anything you can say
I’ve shown myself to one 
To that one soul
Where did it get me
Judged by you
You’ll never quite understand
Because you’ll always see what you see
And I’ll always be me

Copyright © Jacob Jones | Year Posted 2019

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The Tree That Stood To the Wind

Beaten and Battered
Still standing tall
I'm not the being I was before I took my great fall

They said don't stand to the wind
no you shouldn't dare
sometimes the wind will caress you but most of the time she doesn't care

She held me close
but intensified with a loving quiet rage
the wind she's like that, her intentions often hard to gauge

She's always there
she'll whisper and let you know
more often than not she's there for a moment then must go

She left part of me standing, the rest shattered on the forest floor
She's much more powerful, so she let me know
Because here I stand broken, never again to be whole

Copyright © Jacob Jones | Year Posted 2018

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True Love Does Not Care

True love does not care
True love is a dragon sleeping deep within the realms of our souls
Hibernated until awakened by its other half
Once alive it is an uncontrollable beast on the hunt
It destroys any notion you have held of love before
True love is simple and uncomplicated
True love is a creator of lives 
And a destroyer of worlds
True love does not care if you are in the middle of a life
It will wreck you with its single mindedness
Those who judge have never felt true love
Or were lucky enough to find their other half first
True love does not care about weddings and appearances or social mores
True love cares about proximity
True love is a consumer
It devours time with fantasies and dreams
It takes in years as quickly as a mortal second
True loves thirst cannot be quenched
Once you have drank from truest love's lips 
nothing will ever again quell the hunger
True love does not care about feelings
True love does not care about the pain of others
Only stopping the aching from separation of its other half
Only a human being is ignorant enough to slap the gods in the face over their gift
Only an arrogant human would fight a feeling so strong 
Are we noble for hiding our pain for the sake of others
Are we lucky to have found each other and known truest simplest happiness for the briefest of times.  
Are we lucky because our paths crossed and we were able to experience each other
Were we lucky to have made a connection so deep that most will never understand
Or are those who have never experienced the excruciating pain and joy of true love luckiest
To lead a life of quiet happy contentment or know the taste of the person put here for you.

Copyright © Jacob Jones | Year Posted 2019

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Judge Us Not


Judge us not for our sin
Look at the people we've been

Don't hold it against us that we were weak
We found a love that every human would seek

Don't look down because we both gave in
She was the most beautiful place I've ever been

We fought the feeling for a very long time
But we both knew I was hers and she was mine

You may look at us with a haughty grin
But if you've never felt true love, to know how we can't begin

You may condemn when you look at our life
She had a husband and I had a wife

Don't judge us for the secrets we hide
We shield others from pain but each day we die inside

Have you ever felt a love that brings you to your knees
But had to hide what everyone else sees

To know the agony of the silent scream that bursts from your heart
Have you been taken, but met the person you should've been with from the start

We did not ask for this feeling we fought
Neither of us was looking for this, but our souls found what they sought

If you've never had to each day put on a happy face
And just wish somebody else was in your place

Have you had to weigh the option of death or life
The bliss of together or separateness which brings so much pain and strife

So please don't judge us until you've looked at the pain in our eyes
Or seen how each of us when alone silently cries

If you could feel but a fraction of the pain we knew
Maybe then you'd not judge us but would take pity on us two

Copyright © Jacob Jones | Year Posted 2019

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My love's eyes shine like a dark night's star
She'd say they are plane, just to see
My love look in the mirror at who we are
They are beautiful because of how they see me
When I explain in her what I see
The creator gifted, and you are blessed
She'll quietly argue and wholeheartedly disagree
It doesn't matter how sincere I protest
A walk in the woods amongst your quiet grace
I'm with you, that's all I care
I'm blessed when that room enlightening smile crosses your face
I'm awe struck and can't help but lovingly stare
    I see your beauty in every twist, turn, smile, laugh, imperfection, and scar
    My love haven't you yet realized I love you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE

Copyright © Jacob Jones | Year Posted 2019

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More Beautiful Than Dawn

I'm awed by twilight exploding to dawn
Some a kaleidoscope of colors melting into one another
Others plain and gray
A wondrous start to a day anew
But I've met someone more beautiful than dawn
Watching their eyes awaken and cast their first gaze upon you
puts shame to the sun sliding out from the horizon
Feeling their warmth press against you as they stretch awake warms you through in a way the suns first rays never could
Their sleepy smile directed at you creates a world of color not able to be replicated
The accompanying happy sigh is a chorus more lovely than all of the birds morning melodies
Their beauty is ever changing but as steadfast and reliable as the coming of dawn
Each day they look the same  
They always look the same
Each day they are beautiful

Copyright © Jacob Jones | Year Posted 2019

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The Blue Dot Never Came

Blue Dot
Message from you
Heart beats fast
What are you contacting me after so long
The moment you've waited for
Now you dread, why are you waiting
Open it
I miss you
I love you
It should be us
You should be here with me
We'd be having a hell of a time
I'm making myself busy finding other passions because you are not here
I'd be making love 
I'd feel safe
I long for your touch
I want to bury my head in your chest and smell you
Only unfulfillment here
You've been waiting for this
Months for this
Pour your heart out
tell her all the lovely thoughts
regarding her
tell her what you need her to hear the most
I love you too
Typed and typed 
heart and soul exploded into 
digital text
now months
The blue dot never came

Copyright © Jacob Jones | Year Posted 2019

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I Knew You Before I Met You

I knew you before I met you
Before our eyes first met
You were the one I was waiting for
You were the one my soul had been searching for
Perfectly flawed, but perfect for me
The perfect woman, lifted straight from every dream
I could try to explain you
But my words would do no justice to all you are
I thought I knew what love is
But you took it to an entirely different plane
The more we exchanged words
The more it confirmed what I already knew
You gave me messages that made how I felt ok
You told me that you knew I was the one 
Whom you wished to spend the rest of your days with
How could we make it work
How could we give true love a shot
For a time we tried our best 
Dying between each and every separation
Being reborn and finding peace again in each other’s embrace
I feel like I have lived a thousand lives
How do we live this final one
You said you will never be ok again knowing I exist
Mutual sadness
How do we go on now that we know of the other
Why did we decide protecting other’s from pain 
Was more important than alleviating the torment of each day apart
Every dream I have ever had of you
Is now my greatest nightmare
The nightmare of knowing somebody else is living my dream

Copyright © Jacob Jones | Year Posted 2018

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Why Won'T You Throw Me the Ball-- An Ode To the Boys In My Classroom

Every day at recess I play catch with the boys
No matter what they can’t throw where they’re told
Just one good pass
To bend over that many times, I’m getting too old

I throw them a pass
And it slaps off their hands
When they do finally catch one
They celebrate like a Packer leaping into the stands

Tayden Picks it up 
He throws with all his might
The ball leaves his hand
And sails 20 feet to my right

I stroll over 
And pick up the errant pass
Why can’t they throw me the ball
Maybe we should go over this in class

McNutt drops the next pass
The sun was in my eyes is what he’ll say
I don’t know how that’s possible
On such a cloudy day

With a wind up McNutt gets ready to throw
This won’t be pretty it won’t be neat
With a scream and all his strength he chucks the pass
It bounces 10 yards in front of me and rolls to my feet.

My aching back
It can’t take much more
I’m only 39 
Why am I this sore

Now it’s Davon who is in my sites
If he would only catch it I could lose these ball drop blues
He looks good as he runs for the pass
But now he’s on the ground, tripped over his own shoes

With a smile and a chuckle 
He picks up the ball
I think he knows it’s a football and not a grenade
It sails way over my head and bounces off the wall

I throw the ball to Brian 
He reaches for it wearing his single glove 
I can’t believe it, he caught it 
Thank the heavens above

This is it, I think he will throw me a direct hit
Oh, man tricked again, he stopped to tell a story and talk
How disappointing
I suppose I could just take a walk

Why do I do it
Why do I play
Tomorrow I jump rope
I’ll keep trying they may throw it to me someday

Copyright © Jacob Jones | Year Posted 2018


Book: Reflection on the Important Things