This is me
Laid out before you
Nothing to shield me from your eyes
What do you see
Who am I to you
Do you see the holes in me
Can you see the missing pieces
I am not what you see
I am not who you think I am
I am many things you’ll never know
I hide behind kind eyes
And friendly smile
They shield me from your judgments
I am sensitive
I quietly absorb the critiques
And harsh words
I feel your glares
They cut me deep
I weep silently for missing parts of me
That no one will ever know about
I wander the woods in solitude
Wondering why who I am bothers you
Why do you care that I write
That I love
Who I give my love to
Do you care that my heart is broken
Lost love
Kept secret
Why does my daily routine bother you
I am normal
To me
You should be more like me
Is what I think
Inside my head
Move like me
Think like me
eat like me
live like me
I am me
I am normal
To me
Not to you
Do you see my tears fall
On these quite walks
As I put down tobacco
And say my prayer
Hoping that somehow
My words find the creator
And he gets them where they need to be
I am not a big dumb animal
I am not a beast of burden
I am not hard and unfeeling
I am me
A free thinker
Scared to voice his thoughts
Actions scream louder
Than anything you can say
I’ve shown myself to one
To that one soul
Where did it get me
Judged by you
You’ll never quite understand
Because you’ll always see what you see
And I’ll always be me
Copyright © Jacob Jones | Year Posted 2019
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