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Yikes Poems - Poems about Yikes

Yikes Poems - Examples of all types of poems about yikes to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for yikes.

Premium Member Yikes, Mountain Mike, Recovery
Only four stairs to ascend! And with a broken leg on the mend? It felt like a wet noodle. Or more aptly, hot Stroodle . Hanging on to that railing for dear life, As though we were husband...Read the rest...
Categories: yikes, absence, care, cat, family,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Yikes
slowly do they creep these demons smiling slayers of souls creeping shadow-like thoughts incubated in the womb of a dungeoness despair taunting the daylight of forever’s darkness John G. Lawless ©3/19/2019...Read the rest...
Categories: yikes, conflict, dream,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Yikes
You’ve taken off my clothes, and you have bathed me. I’m ice-cold, shivering; what’s going on? What’s happened to that towel you always use to wrap me in? Don’t tell me it is gone! You hold me out in...Read the rest...
Categories: yikes, baby,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Stop this pounding in my head Tired red eyes full of dread Reading lines and lines of words Every time I stand it hurts - ouch! Sleepy mornings go by slow Squeeze a breath out and try not to wallow...Read the rest...
Categories: yikes, cheer up,
Form: Acrostic
Stone cold sober I was one day When a lady Stood in my way She smiled at me Like something weird Then just like that She disappeared! Was she a ghost Or a lost soul? Or some actress Playing a role? Like an omen Of things to come She...Read the rest...
Categories: yikes, angel, halloween, mystery, religion,
Form: Verse

Yikes I Got Man Boobs
with noticeable burgeoning bosom in the offing, ahoy this baby faced blubbery bosom beastie boy fast becoming a bra man, and might hire himself out as a male wet nurse for employ ment, cuz when stark naked on shark tank, I...Read the rest...
Categories: yikes, adventure, age, anxiety, creation,
Form: Romanticism
Bikes, Yikes
What's with you all guys in your spandex on spokes, bearing down like demons on us poor ambulating folks? It won't be so funny, surely no little joke, if you crash into us we'll (both) look like broken egg-yolks So, try to...Read the rest...
Categories: yikes, humor, satire,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Zowie Yikes and Holy Gadzooks
Zowie, yikes And holy gadzooks! It's that really silly Poetry kook Coming at you With giggles galore Funnies, chuckles And so much more A formula for sailing Right through the day Laugh at your troubles It's better that way No sense complaining It makes you feel sad Just think...Read the rest...
Categories: yikes, humorous,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Zowie, Yikes and Holy Gadzooks
Zowie, yikes And holy gadzooks! It's that really silly Poetry kook Coming at you With giggles galore Funnies, chuckles And so much more A formula for sailing Right through the day Laugh at your troubles It's better that way No sense complaining It makes you feel sad Just think...Read the rest...
Categories: yikes, happiness,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Yikes!
A praying mantis female decapitates mate… I’d be praying, too...Read the rest...
Categories: yikes, nature
Form: Haiku

Book: Reflection on the Important Things