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Wring Poems - Poems about Wring

Wring Poems - Examples of all types of poems about wring to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for wring.
the Danish imbroglio
...a Danish imbroglio The Danish prime minister is appealing to Europe to stop Trump’s idea of taking Greenland and making it an American state What he wants not that he is overly interested is to ......Read the rest...
Categories: wring, anti bullying, anxiety, betrayal,
Form: ABC
Premium Member The Ramblings of a House Wife
... The soft clouds of cotton white Wipe away the tears of the earth Absorbing the pain poured and puddled below Swarms of pestilence incubated in muddy melancholic pools of despair From clean,......Read the rest...
Categories: wring, corruption, earth, emotions, humanity,
Form: Free verse

The Corpus Christi Carol translation by Michael R Burch
...The Corpus Christi Carol anonymous Middle English poem translation by Michael R. Burch He bore him up, he bore him down, He bore him into an orchard brown. Lully, lullay, lully, lullay! The f......Read the rest...
Categories: wring, bird, girl, heart, hurt,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member By the Author's Own Hand
...Young man, sit down, a poem to write. I can't.  I've been thinking day and night. Go forth, then, to old man Palmer's field. That spooky place, ideas will yield. Inspiration from my brain to wrin......Read the rest...
Categories: wring, inspiration, silly,
Form: Couplet
Laundry Day
... You seem a bit too Monday for someone who used to sway with much colour Wake, my dear, the day awaits, And with it comes white shirts the colour of mud and black jeans the colour of white shirts......Read the rest...
Categories: wring, analogy, appreciation, home, hurt,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Space To Process
...To call you a pansy insults the flower. It seems you cried for nearly an hour; your mother called to say she’d lost. So ‘space to process’ at a cost of fifty six thousand for the year to cancel ......Read the rest...
Categories: wring, how i feel,
Form: Rhyme
...A tear of cloud, Blew away because of the wind. Care to explain their relationship? Did someone tell it to do? Each era taught us these to end Fights between us and to Greet each other so that,......Read the rest...
Categories: wring, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Abecedarian
...The elected Democracy. Is a democracy obsolete? we see it trampled on by Muslims demanding the Sharia law in our streets Democracy in the Middle East bombs  the living daylight out of the Palest......Read the rest...
Categories: wring, anxiety, assonance, books, conflict,
Form: Free verse
A New Day - Wildflowers
...Roads long squandered, Routes trained to memory. a crack in the long unyielding concrete unremarkable. Then, a wildflower A peculiar pink. Leather, nostalgia. Cinnamon, mellow. Stop dead ......Read the rest...
Categories: wring, appreciation, aubade, beautiful, change,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Wring the Sweat out of your Shirt
... A wall of heat down on you bores enervates your every pore The fiery sun you implore ‘Who can take this anymore’ Your heart is deadened, your brain is fried The......Read the rest...
Categories: wring, change, sun, weather,
Form: Couplet
Oh great lion!
...Oh great lion! You're called the king, You roar; the jungle hears your ping, Others scamper about in fear, You then mock their fright with a jeer, By giving them your stares that sting. No......Read the rest...
Categories: wring, farewell, fear, scary, strength,
Form: Rondeau
Premium Member Stormbringer
..."ride the rainbow, crack the sky, Stormbringer coming, time to die", from Stormbringer, sung by Glenn Hughes Forget your worries, forget your sorrow. To Stormbringer, you're a dead ringer ......Read the rest...
Categories: wring, dark, death, earth, environment,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Globalism dreams itself a hegemon, a giant upon a throne of glass, ephemeral
...Globalism dreams itself a hegemon, a giant upon a throne of glass, ephemeral, And can only live through brief stints, sporadic in time and deed, Through the harshest force of terror, its heart lock......Read the rest...
Categories: wring, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Omitted Rumble
... Written: March 2nd, 2024 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wingbeats on warm whisper wavelength wasteland, waves of wasabi writhe with wilting, whimpering, witless wri......Read the rest...
Categories: wring, appreciation, beauty, lost love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Health and safety
...1980 we began to learn ( about health and safety) Not at every turn.' As the decades went, its demands just grew.' From Those quite acceptable, no one realised the end extent Mind you.' There w......Read the rest...
Categories: wring, appreciation, education, endurance,
Form: Rhyme

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry