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Worry Poems - Poems about Worry

Worry Poems - Examples of all types of poems about worry to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for worry.
My father always told me Son; When you stop being beneficial You become useless To those that were using you. You'll think niggas got your back When everything is right But they disappear into thin air When everything goes wrong Just stay strong. People...Read the rest...
Categories: worry, africa, caregiving, children, christian,
Form: Narrative
Wisdom for Officials Who Worry
(Wisdom is not enough to calm your fears.) Two apostles, Peter and John jailed at the dawn of preaching in Christ's name. Officials' onslaught is meant to bring shame. "We obey God, rather than men," bold answer given by Peter...Read the rest...
Categories: worry, 11th grade, fear, jesus,
Form: Tercet

Premium Member Try to Live for the Moment
Try to Live for the Moment Why relive the past? Why worry about the future? Each new day has its own promise Why get bogged down in what can’t be changed? I just try to live for the moment. ...Read the rest...
Categories: worry, philosophy,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

How long is the end?
I screamed loud, the scare from my diagnosis, My streams of tears filled seven hundred oceans. The doctor spoke bleakly of the prognosis, His face lay bare, devoid of all emotions. Now anguish walks with glee where dreams once...Read the rest...
Categories: worry, cancer, death, faith, fear,
Form: Rhyme
Don’t Worry, It’ll Be Alright?
Homelessness, world hunger, social security is almost gone. Fascism, racism, no more water to wet our lawn. Unknown diseases and pestilence, can’t afford to sell our land. Not a drop of consumer confidence, no one to lend us a helping hand No...Read the rest...
Categories: worry, poetry,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Stop Thinking!
The 2nd Trump Presidency Begins To express my own Whitmanesque "barbaric yawp", constrained by internal (and external) barriers, mentally constipated, I merely mutter, feel pressures steadily mounting. Hesitant, I expel grunts and breaths -- disinhibit streams of consciousness, encourage verbal fluidity, ease the heaviness...Read the rest...
Categories: worry, age, angst, introspection,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Don't Worry
Light breeze on the pasture green Tilting his head to the side A young lamb looks with a grin At the world, so wide He can’t see his mother there For a day or two So he thinks now who will...Read the rest...
Categories: worry, life, mystery,
Form: Rhyme
New Year and new chapter
For months, a poem was written a day To serve as keeping my diary. Wanted to stop at the end of a simple, pure and fun filling friendship. For a while, my feelings and my writing headed different...Read the rest...
Categories: worry, fate, feelings, goodbye, hello,
Form: Free verse
Old Friend
Please keep it down, I can’t think straight, Putting thoughts in my head, I don’t know how much more I can take, These voices they have control of me, They make me do things, I can’t think straight, The things...Read the rest...
Categories: worry, anxiety, confusion, depression, fear,
Form: Free verse
Parents Prayer
Everything I've done, before I had a child.. Seems insignificant, now I'm beguiled It's not my actions, nor my children's behavior What I can't control, makes me reach for my Savior Heavenly Father, Please send your...Read the rest...
Categories: worry, angel, child, prayer, religious,
Form: Free verse
Worry And Troubles
Worry is stepping stone in life To help you step forward But troubles will also become A stumbling block in life Making you fall And burn you All over your body....Read the rest...
Categories: worry, life, motivation, perspective,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member I Choose to be Worry Fear Free
As soon as the snake bites you You can stop being terrified of snakes It is a smaller pinch than you imagined I know a child who was terrified of bees The sting was not as horrifying As the fear...Read the rest...
Categories: worry, fear,
Form: Free verse
Relentless beast
Cancer, a relentless beast, shadows creep, Day or night, it strikes, no sleep. A force so dark, yet we rise above, With fire in our hearts and boundless love....Read the rest...
Categories: worry, angst, cancer, conflict, grief,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Out of Balance
A breath of fire the flame of desire. Things chaotic about to transpire. Pain with no limit. How I make sense of it is beyond my understanding. Yet somehow the fire is unending. I have a sense and with it, I unwind. I let...Read the rest...
Categories: worry, africa, anxiety, confusion,
Form: Free verse
Please don't worry babe, I'll be here till I'm 85!
I know I’m dying, we all are, that’s life’s game, But mine’s sped up by cancer, it’s not the same. Don’t worry, Liz, everything’s gonna be alright, See, I’ll be here ‘til I’m 85, or until my last goodnight. Set your worry shackles free, believe in what’s...Read the rest...
Categories: worry, cancer, desire, fate, for
Form: Spoken Word

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