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Wingless Poems - Poems about Wingless

Wingless Poems - Examples of all types of poems about wingless to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for wingless.
Premium Member Wingless flight
Meditative eyes enliven heart’s sighs, seeking to embrace, outpourings of grace. When heart lotus blooms, rapture within zooms, as we so become, one with love’s bliss hum. Before heaven’s gate, what is our blink rate, in the heart of God; sight that leaves us awed? Love and...Read the rest...
Categories: wingless, god, heaven, i am,
Form: Jueju
Premium Member Wingless flight
Spine is a thirty three stringed harp upon which God plays when it’s dark, imbibed by our toroidal heart, whence bliss ignition does so start, piercing every body vector, causing flow of soma nectar, savoured by presence in delight ~ such...Read the rest...
Categories: wingless, spiritual,
Form: Lay

Premium Member Wingless fly
Walking the pathless path, requires resting thought flow, that in staid stillness slow, we see without mirrors, our soul’s innermost glow. Walking the pathless path, means we befriend the void, whence delusion’s destroyed and we imbibe pure bliss, no longer by fears toyed. Walking...Read the rest...
Categories: wingless, spiritual,
Form: Monchielle Stanza

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

the wingless gift
born into this world this magnificence of nature’s gifts he has stolen many a heart ...Read the rest...
Categories: wingless, baby, grandchild,
Form: Free verse
Wingless Bird
Wingless Bird I wasn’t taught Reach for the stars I never knew It’s not too far I knew to stop Look both ways And never touch A burning flame Encouragement Was never heard I left the nest A wingless bird Survival was My only school Doctorate in hit And bachelors...Read the rest...
Categories: wingless, appreciation, celebration,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member wingless fly
to get to the source no mountain peak stands too high for our soul grows wings transcending limitations of body-mind our Father awaits our embrace and we can’t keep Him waiting lest heart breaks infusing His breath in organic form vast space becomes an ocean and...Read the rest...
Categories: wingless, god, journey, spiritual,
Form: Suzette Prime
Premium Member wingless love
wither away not to thee gifts reason of art wingless dove bestilled on halfpace empyreal thy breast behooves thee further o'er yond clingiest fairgrounds moor dawning flora promising showboat sanctifying lightness up from their beds and to their feds and down to their peds all the same maternally...Read the rest...
Categories: wingless, analogy, bird, endurance, hurt,
Form: Suzette Prime
Premium Member Of Wingless Doves
Ah Peace, You disheveled outcast Hiding in the heart Of wingless doves Shivering in cage-less Confinement Clinging to a charred Sunrise Smoldering In the madness Of god-less Gods ...Read the rest...
Categories: wingless, peace,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Wingless Flight
Astonishingly are the reflections of moonlight Colors dancing from prisms taking wingless flight Waters' second nature is so abundantly bright Spectrums turning the sheens of wrong into right Aquatic mirrors paint a tapestry within the night Singing visual melodies, waves...Read the rest...
Categories: wingless, beach, beautiful, mirror, moon,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Wingless Flight
From time to time pops up a reminder, to paint on the canvas, words that enchant our heart and soul with melody kinder than cacophony which ego does flaunt betwixt carnal cravings that in dreams haunt. In solitude we rest...Read the rest...
Categories: wingless, passion, poetry, spiritual,
Form: Dizain
Premium Member Wingless Flight
Will penetrates, grace permeates Mind moderates, heart resonates Love alone opens heaven’s gates Grace permeates, will penetrates Boundaries blur, nodes within stir Love scented myrrh makes bliss beats purr All’s enabled if we concur Nodes within stir, boundaries blur Soul’s wingless flight,...Read the rest...
Categories: wingless, spiritual,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Wingless Fly
Wingless fly without any fear God is holding our hand As His child, to Him we are dear Our wish is His command Reclaim now, our soul’s light Felt as bliss throb delight Pulsating day and night Do or die Wingless fly 20-July-2022 Quietus ...Read the rest...
Categories: wingless, god, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Wingless Angel
They were soft whispers her prayers but loud enough that God could hear. King James Bible opened in one hand a lit candle in the other and the sound of urgency affixed to her lips in a flow of rhythmic cadence she recited the psalms...Read the rest...
Categories: wingless, angel, faith,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member To Wingless Fly
To wingless fly, just vaporise Melding with the vast void Grace then in-pours to our surprise Our presence by love buoyed Let’s never say never Whatever, whenever For we have a waiver Ego decry To wingless fly 26-February-2022...Read the rest...
Categories: wingless, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Matthew Slice and His Wingless Lice
It’s Matthew Slice with his throwable dice And his spiky hair filled with wingless lice But they save the day not once, not twice but thrice. They spit on his face, so he pays the price The lice are...Read the rest...
Categories: wingless, 1st grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Rhyme

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