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Wide Ranging Poems - Poems about Wide Ranging

Wide Ranging Poems - Examples of all types of poems about wide ranging to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for wide ranging.
Premium Member VISUAL poetry PART 1 apollinaire
...traces of performance expand   shape & wide-ranging    interdisciplinary calligrammes—poems  of  visual images  bio-morphed     together   word & de·lin·ea·tion     as a sensation  ......Read the rest...
Categories: wide ranging, art, word play,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member The Elderly Man and His Speach
...The elderly man we call leader Would shout as if our ears couldn't hear, Then whisper with the expectation We would agree to adhere to his Foreign invasion~ Ten million strong from every nation......Read the rest...
Categories: wide ranging, political,
Form: Political Verse

Rigorous Sphincter Ani Externus Muscle Workout
...Rigorous sphincter ani externus muscle workout Amidst the rubble strewn landscape ruins courtesy healthy helping of prunes linkedin to derrière issuing melodious flatulence classical tunes, yo......Read the rest...
Categories: wide ranging, 12th grade, absence, appreciation,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member A Timeless Doll Dl - First Place Contest Winner
...Lost dolls, forgotten in the attic, Neglected and left to gather dust, Their once-loved beauty is losing its magic. Their appeal is fading as fashions adjust. But one day, they were......Read the rest...
Categories: wide ranging, analogy, appreciation, lost,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Illusion of Separateness
...Life's greatest heated human tragedy the one we are likely taught not to see. Our wide-ranging worlds are well connected, as atoms wiggle we're all effected. Separation is optic illusion a fitti......Read the rest...
Categories: wide ranging, allusion, humanity, philosophy, science,
Form: Couplet

Sombrero In Space
...The word sombrero in Spanish was made from Late Latin origin, meaning shade. Predating Mexican type of headwear that’s commonly presupposed, instead they’re more generally hats designed with br......Read the rest...
Categories: wide ranging, earth, humanity, imagination, perspective,
Form: Verse
War and Piece
...People still talk about war and peace, But time’s come to talk of war and piece, To pieces that turns life, To shambles, utter strife, And still, would war mania ever cease? ___________________......Read the rest...
Categories: wide ranging, peace, war,
Form: Limerick
Two Wings
...I have two wide ranging wings Filled with love and care. That keeps me cosy in the icy world, That bears me from falling apart, That shields me from all the obstacles of life, Even by wounding ......Read the rest...
Categories: wide ranging, family, father daughter, parents,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Covid-19 the Upside
...The globe is in lockdown, the borders are closed the news is all gloom and despair, Covid-19 is the new kid in town causing panic and fear everywhere. Our lives are all changing, effects are wi......Read the rest...
Categories: wide ranging, humor,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Make a Sad Song Better
...“Make a Sad Song Better”? It sounds good at first glance but then who do you serve? To solve other folks ‘problems’ suggests more than nerve! Do you dream that your wisdo......Read the rest...
Categories: wide ranging, journey, life, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Car For Every Perusasion
...There's certainly a wide-ranging variety of different cars From the Model T to the Tesla -- no longer wildly popular People want choices to match their lifestyles and moods Manufacturers wan......Read the rest...
Categories: wide ranging, car, future, money, society,
Form: Rhyme
...Who knows who developed the fire initially? But we know the significance of its discovery, The fire that served countless purposes, Was invented by someone who was naive of its uses. He might ha......Read the rest...
Categories: wide ranging, environment, fire, firework, future,
Form: Rhyme
Ode To Ouster Order At Home of Imperiality
...gale to bluster, sleet to bluster, worst whacked are hobos around huts cluster. nowhere to doss, tempest to toss, yet another sucker punch sweeps across. with big boot to field, with big stick ......Read the rest...
Categories: wide ranging, abuse,
Form: Rhyme
A Nightcliff Evening
...A Nightcliff Evening The pastel light of evening fades to the indigo of night, Trees brooding silhouettes above, save where the string Of lights picks out the furrows of pale trunks and Thrusti......Read the rest...
Categories: wide ranging, friendship, imagery, social,
Form: Verse
The Time Is Now
...Jesus is calling come my people come for the Kingdom of God is at hand. Arise out of your spiritual graves, look into me and make a stand. There was a Super-natural move of God. When He parted th......Read the rest...
Categories: wide ranging, inspiration,
Form: Rhyme

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