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Wheelbarrow Poems - Poems about Wheelbarrow

Wheelbarrow Poems - Examples of all types of poems about wheelbarrow to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for wheelbarrow.

Crossing the street in a motorized wheelbarrow. Drops of ice cream on the road that is narrow. Someone says I’m blocking the street. While I’m eating my cold treat. I found a nice spot in the shade. At a bus...Read the rest...
Categories: wheelbarrow, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member We Call Him Wheelbarrow Man
Hillbilly Bobby shared his snack with a chickadee The bird gave out some sounds a toot, a peet and a twee His relatives came by and wanted bird seed too. Bobby called in relatives to see what they...Read the rest...
Categories: wheelbarrow, garden,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Wheelbarrow Cat Oversees Garden
Wheelbarrow cat was the garden overseer Sitting above the plants year after year When buyers got closer, she would disappear Her owner never put her seat into gear She loved the butterflies with their wings so sheer Tried to bat...Read the rest...
Categories: wheelbarrow, cat,
Form: Monorhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Going To Hell In a Wheelbarrow
I've built up such a thirst keeping it on course ripping words from ink stained pages Wil doth shake Charlie just a dick end I wrote whit i want Bleed your tortured visions Blur your softest word The Bring out your dead cart is...Read the rest...
Categories: wheelbarrow, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Dexter John and His Wheelbarrow Nap
Dexter John, baby calf was tuckered, he had been playing all day. He laid down in the Kansas grass, brown enough to be harsh hay. His fifteen-year-old human cousins picked him up without a peep. Placed him in...Read the rest...
Categories: wheelbarrow, animal,
Form: Rhyme

The Red Wheelbarrow
The old red wheelbarrow is still standing there right next to my Grandfather’s fixed rocking chair. Though neither has moved in a good many years their presence revives former laughter and tears. As children, my Grandfather placed us...Read the rest...
Categories: wheelbarrow, death, grandparents, happiness, memory,
Form: Rhyme
The Red Wheelbarrow
Walking down with my red wheelbarrow, I spied a blue jay and a brown little sparrow Flying across the golden fields; I went behind them on a path narrow To collect my flower garden's yields; Now, inside my...Read the rest...
Categories: wheelbarrow, flower, garden,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Red Wheelbarrow
How I loved spending a week of the summer holidays with my grandparents. Gramps would come and pick me up in his old pick- up truck, dad would bundle my suitcase into the back and...Read the rest...
Categories: wheelbarrow, childhood, garden, grandparents, memory,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member Red Wheelbarrow
The red wheelbarrow with its cement smudges and rusty scratches dwarfs the white rabbit nibbling young lettuce covered in morning dew next to the flowering crepe myrtle....Read the rest...
Categories: wheelbarrow, allusion, art, nature,
Form: Free verse
Black Coffee Mug: Red Wheelbarrow
So much depends Upon a black coffee cup faded with use steam into the faces of us all...Read the rest...
Categories: wheelbarrow, america, business, career, jobs,
Form: Free verse
The Babaji Wheelbarrow
It was a dry, dusty day when I saw the wheelbarrow, with long handles made of dark wood. The wheel is struggling as it carries its burden, but it manages the job that it should....Read the rest...
Categories: wheelbarrow, bereavement, children, conflict, dad,
Form: Rhyme
Old Wheelbarrow
Note (Try to put your best Scottish accent on when reading this one) Disguarded fae the workplace, rusted red distorted frame. Mangled handles reachin' oot like a wee disguarded bairn. Were ye pushed aroon' a factory,heavin' loads or liftin'...Read the rest...
Categories: wheelbarrow, lifelife, life,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Reflection on the Important Things