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Wharves Poems - Poems about Wharves

... ANZAC Few among them knew the name Gallipolli no crystal ball foretold the hell it spawned but in the misty dawn of 25-04-15 the legend of the ANZACs would be born. standing tall......Read the rest...
Categories: wharves, courage, war,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member But Reflection Is
...Never in secluded pools they dwell, I speak of ornate waterfalls, they rise and fall majestically, near docks, wharves and piers, sparkle, gleam, smooth flow trickle, eye balm whirl fantastic p......Read the rest...
Categories: wharves, beautiful, care, celebration, color,
Form: Imagism

Premium Member Victoria Visit
...Truths, as though fairy tales, I have heard so miscellany, That her flora and fauna reveal true theophany; Rolling and spinning lowlands with hill-like granite blessings, Moss misty magnificently ......Read the rest...
Categories: wharves, beauty, desire, nature,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Along the Canal
...The canal poked like a finger into the wrinkled abdomen of the Port. Along its length, ketches once bruised wooden wharves unloading wheat shipped from outports across the gulf. Pigeons stalked......Read the rest...
Categories: wharves, father, memory, water,
Form: Free verse
Ocean In An Autumn Gale
...The ocean rolled with white caps Rising and falling in scattered Wind blown sprays, Waves breaking viciously Upon shoreline rocks, Jutting wharves, Tied up little fisher boats. Sea gulls ove......Read the rest...
Categories: wharves, ocean,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Rpg Warrior
...O, elvenstone! O, elvenstone! O, would that you could be my own. To quest exhausted, all these years, And not obtain those pointy ears To sharpen sense, to hear my phone. O battle axe! O batt......Read the rest...
Categories: wharves, adventure,
Form: Quintilla
Premium Member Consider the Finer Things
...Come, let us together consider the finer things Like mystical pyramids and fringed silk scarves Stones that bring comfort to the aching bone Intricate ebony statues the lonely man carv......Read the rest...
Categories: wharves, beauty, inspirational,
Form: Rhyme
Warbs On the Wharves
...Just a slip of a lad as a probationary constable I walked the beat in Port Adelaide as my fable So up and down St Vincent Street Then onto Commercial Road made it complete At closing time we co......Read the rest...
Categories: wharves, life, wine,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Related By Choice
...RELATED BY CHOICE For my adopted grandmother Nancy Enloe I met you at a friend’s house, standing stately on your cane, tall and rosy-cheeked like me. In your smile, I basked and thought, “L......Read the rest...
Categories: wharves, family, friendship, granddaughter, grandmother,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member America
...I see America in majestic mountain ranges, lush vegetation and sandy shores. I see her in gold fields blending into deserts and the Rockies of her Southwest or to her east – melding with green rol......Read the rest...
Categories: wharves, america, patriotic,
Form: Ode
Theater of Utter Charm Part 21 the else you going to progress if you don't Sherlock Holmes the mirror look what we've become men hunting each other for sport money and babes an insane ability to believe anything and tha......Read the rest...
Categories: wharves, how i feel,
Form: Free verse
Of the Dreaded Scourge Currently Afflicting the Municipality and Environ of My Nativity and Youth
...This dread disease that has afflicted my home, This malady, this plague on my house; This making convertible the former quaintness and provincialism thereof Into something wholly despicable and ......Read the rest...
Categories: wharves, adventure, allegory, allusion, anger,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Galactic Glimpses
... Galactic curls in spirals swirl, entwining twisted mystery, where time unrolls in blackened holes, no longer bright and blistery, but writ like runes on starry dunes enclosed in cosmic histor......Read the rest...
Categories: wharves, science,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Stateless
... Stateless …thatched houses catch fire sparrow tires from romping in the coned-flower chestnut tree alights on the road tires crunch macadam s......Read the rest...
Categories: wharves, allegory, destiny, discrimination, grief,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Back Creek Smells
...Back Creek Smells My nose senses the unseen, Like a final Act’s scene, When I arrive near the Bay, I sense my sinuses are gray, From inhaling the city. Fish scents replace the gritty, ......Read the rest...
Categories: wharves, life, music,
Form: Light Verse

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