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Weighted Poems - Poems about Weighted

Weighted With a Feather
There is no solace in dreams nor any in sleep, night has no medicine for daylight afflictions. I once found a wild field of light in a dark forest, I discovered a silver pool on the edge of a mountain and there rested. A...Read the rest...
Categories: weighted, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Weighted too long
somebody lies in wait it may be me, it may be me whilst all intangibles permeate I'll feel different, momentarily just wait, just wait I am too scared to be face to face with fate, oh that I hate but I see...Read the rest...
Categories: weighted, confusion,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Work Vs Pleasure
Why is pleasure measured in moments, while work is measured in weeks or years? Pleasures are like insubstantial fictions, sweet treats gone in the tasting or perhaps flowers, that once cut, wither. So don't be enthralled by fickle snippets...Read the rest...
Categories: weighted, career, passion, work,
Form: Free verse
Weighted Rock
I am rock Kneeling at the mountain of life Surrounded by the grains of shattered dreams Awashed by a sea of tears I look towards the precipice Piercing the heavens above me Overwhelmed with emotions I reach out for a helping hand But...Read the rest...
Categories: weighted, dark, imagery,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Circus Fat Man
The Circus Fat Man This unusual man is truly a real sight to see as “The Circus Fat Man” for a local Cajun circus. He takes a sense of definite pride in being known by this distinctive moniker, while...Read the rest...
Categories: weighted, allegory, confidence, destiny, imagery,
Form: Couplet

Premium Member Of Weighted Crown
OF WEIGHTED CROWN whose thorns? you think you know. c r o w n e d with heavy g o l d...Read the rest...
Categories: weighted, christian, history, sin,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Weighted By the Fog
The crows' caws weighted by the fog float upon heavy air and katydids sing elaborate tunes, songs not so rare Summer's vocals freely vibrate Around headed to fall The last chance to flirt and dance Before Jack Frost's first call The hum of...Read the rest...
Categories: weighted, seasons,
Form: Rhyme
I'M Weighted Down
Dragging thoughts around In my head... Trying to remember all you said. The sun is still shining! Spring is on the way... I know, Day by day, You will be a memory, To be tossed aside Like these winter days which Have left me cold And Longing...Read the rest...
Categories: weighted,
Form: Free verse
Weighted Tears
A gloomy sky choked back the Sun No one spoke on this day of mourning Silently, gravely, sadly, painfully This group marches on The procession stops short At the sound of a piercing whistle But quietly my mother's lips began to...Read the rest...
Categories: weighted, death, depression, faith, family,
Form: I do not know?
His Weighted Heart
No matter where I am I will always be condemn My heart will bear the blame Slowly dying due to shame No matter who helps me bear this pain My body will continue to strain My heart bears a knife Making horrid...Read the rest...
Categories: weighted, depression, loss, lost love,
Form: Rhyme
Weighted Ground
I stand here lonely on this weighted ground The wind never able to knock me around For I'm in love so deep it's to him I'm forever bound That very love is one with which I always cause...Read the rest...
Categories: weighted, angst, depression, devotion, hope,
Form: Romanticism
So Weighted
lives were ended-- toothbrushes won't be used again, families will cry over the shampoo left in bottles that will never wash the sweet hair they once combed, the leftover gas in the car tanks of the deceased will burn...Read the rest...
Categories: weighted, death, family, introspection, life,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry