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Unlost Poems - Poems about Unlost

Unlost Poems - Examples of all types of poems about unlost to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for unlost.

Premium Member God Walks Warmly Alongside Death Dedicated -
... How did I come into existence... Like a tear resurrected from tragedy into cool lucidity... I remember the smooth bone of your face emerging from the virgin blackness of raw Time... And I r......Read the rest...
Categories: unlost, death, desire, god,
Form: Epic
Premium Member to be unlost get back comfy wouldn't that be delightful the age old tune in ......Read the rest...
Categories: unlost, home,
Form: Senryu

Premium Member Bridges and Thinking
...I bridged the gap Therefore I haven't fallen into the great crevasse Pretty good going... I'm happier unlost, not in a pit of despair Plus Strictly is on later I'm going to experiment with t......Read the rest...
Categories: unlost, anxiety,
Form: Haibun

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

To My Religion: Good-Bye Thoughts and Wishes
...I was done Packed my bags Ran from the grasp Of Liars and Cons Considered myself lucky To know the truth And walk away Mostly intact No damage No harm No foul It’s funny the lies we ......Read the rest...
Categories: unlost, leaving, religion,
Form: Free verse
Between Idea and Truth
...Her with touch ferocious tenderness like sun split snow Her eyes unforgotten beauty retains words and poems scratch at glass to touch the tiny imperfections that live amongst the light Love ......Read the rest...
Categories: unlost, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Unlost Neverfound
...How was your day without me? Was it colder then usual? And tell me how was the weather, was it nice and sunny? Now don't get me wrong I'm not being nosy, just missed you this evening. Going outsid......Read the rest...
Categories: unlost, absence, betrayal, dark, depression,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Unlost Existence
...When an embryo was growing in a petri dish I said this is it my adieu for I am now ready for a new journey of self denial a skull in my lap after the abdication of ancient fear the eyes of buttercups......Read the rest...
Categories: unlost, art,
Form: ABC
Unlost Existence
...When an embryo was growing in a petri dish I said this is it my adieu for I am now ready for a new journey of self denial a skull in my lap after the abdication of ancient fear the eyes of butte......Read the rest...
Categories: unlost, business
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things