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Unger Poems - Poems about Unger

Unger Poems - Examples of all types of poems about unger to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for unger.

...There are some poisoning substances when mixed into drink or food cause weakness,confusion,paralysis and even death. They are odorless,colorless and tasteless like water.. Sometimes symptoms rese......Read the rest...
Categories: unger, body, death, drink, drug,
Form: List
Premium Member Charade
...Crowd of witnesses, knows the trick of this grasshopper Hunger always alters the forced smile of a pauper Amidst supposed friends, but cannot hide the hot temper Readin......Read the rest...
Categories: unger, art, cool, cute, feelings,
Form: Acrostic

Premium Member Hollow
...H unger grips my small - empty gut, O pen to tiny - little - nut. L ittle or not - I want my fill, L ong or short - just make it real. O pting cooked - will take it raw, W anting to stop thi......Read the rest...
Categories: unger, light,
Form: Acrostic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Humanity
...Hunger and hatred are daily, wrongly, sustained and fed. Unjust and unfair ones create chaotic laws and discrimination. Multitudes of people ignorantly choose to live from thei......Read the rest...
Categories: unger, humanity,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Ripples
...Two ripe, moisture-dappled lips Hunger, unabated, for what lies behind Entranced by your gaze, I dive ... down ... deep Rings upon rings, smooth, symmetrical ......Read the rest...
Categories: unger, passion, sensual, soulmate, true
Form: Acrostic

My Encounter With An Ant
...MY ENCOUNTER WITH AN ANT..... I am a real little old lady, I walked along a street so shady, Had an encounter with a tiny ant, To him I appeared such a giant, He trod among the leaves so plian......Read the rest...
Categories: unger, anger, bullying, confusion, insect,
Form: Free verse
...Saturday mornings extra early I would rise, Watch as my hero would sail through the skies. Eating my corn puffs, with you I’d cheer, “There’s no need to fear, Underdog is here. “ With Simon Bar......Read the rest...
Categories: unger, adventure, child, dog, flying,
Form: Rhyme
The Odd Couple
...Never missed a show Their antics filled the screen These two totally different characters Made me laugh howl and scream No murder mysteries here Definitely no pornographic behav......Read the rest...
Categories: unger, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Honeysuckle Vine
...H unger drives small wings to follow- O n search of nectar to swallow. N atures own sweet drink to borrow- E ven if morning dew falls tomorrow. Y ummy blossoms drench zealous air- S ifting throu......Read the rest...
Categories: unger, nature, sweet,
Form: Acrostic

Book: Reflection on the Important Things