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Transmits Poems - Poems about Transmits

Transmits Poems - Examples of all types of poems about transmits to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for transmits.
Premium Member Thought of the day
...God dwells in all forms, so simply know this ~ His breath transmits to us love, light and bliss......Read the rest...
Categories: transmits, god, light, love,
Form: Couplet
Tuning Out
...I tune out the news Just as much as I can, So I won’t have to hear When the s*^# hits the fan. But I still read the paper And catch little bits From the radio as every Story transmits. Th......Read the rest...
Categories: transmits, america,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Marvels Of His Gift
... Seething life spreads stifling smoke far and near, clouds blurred mind with skeptic obscurity. Beauty unseen in biased sight not clear, morphs in mind contoured by uncertainty. From d......Read the rest...
Categories: transmits, beauty, god, nature, uplifting,
Form: Ottava rima

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

This Love
...I waited within the gaze of darkness I found you there, A midnight sun blazing on my internal horizon Illuminating the contours of my inner world Quenching my arid soul like a desert oasis Your ......Read the rest...
Categories: transmits, beautiful, break up, deep,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member That Place
... "That Place" In that place where you were abandoned, that place, they never thought, you’d come back from, in that place where it is believed nothing grows in the lo......Read the rest...
Categories: transmits, dark, light, muse,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Yearn
... Written: April 15, 2024, For Constance La France Y words Contest Rumi Quote: "Longing is the core of mystery. Longing itself brings the cure. The only rule is, suffer the pain. Y......Read the rest...
Categories: transmits, analogy, longing, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Building tension
...Feeling incomplete, heart yearns to expand and so transmits this desire to the mind, which ego driven, fails to understand, that peace is found if cravings are declined, so in the world of transi......Read the rest...
Categories: transmits, angst, anxiety, silence, spiritual,
Form: Ottava rima
Premium Member Why are we here
...Part-1: Polarities unite, in burst of light One that became two, is now one again Rapture renewal pulsates with delight Embodied within, we gently ingrain An ethereal cord, transmits this bl......Read the rest...
Categories: transmits, spiritual,
Form: Crown of Sonnets
Premium Member Christinas World by Andrew Wyeth - American Artist 1948
...“Art is the medium by which a person, having experienced an emotion, intentionally transmits it to others” – Leo Tolstoy A bleak monotonous landscape, Had been her outlook for years. She so vehe......Read the rest...
Categories: transmits, art, stress,
Form: Ekphrasis
Rigorous Sphincter Ani Externus Muscle Workout
...Rigorous sphincter ani externus muscle workout Amidst the rubble strewn landscape ruins courtesy healthy helping of prunes linkedin to derrière issuing melodious flatulence classical tunes, yo......Read the rest...
Categories: transmits, 12th grade, absence, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Way of the Future
...We will build our "Mars Voyager Spaceship" on our Moon. this Spaceship can only be built on our moon, for weight, size soon, we will power this craft not to compromise... ......Read the rest...
Categories: transmits, adventure, analogy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member A Brain Is Storming
...riding on superluminal rafts the supernatural rapscallions descend with delirious determination into deceptive diversion observing too many indeterminists doing nothing with t......Read the rest...
Categories: transmits, dark, humorous, society, space,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Anti-Poem - Dry Ice and Cologne
...a blue chevy impala basks in a suburban driveway like a beached whale it oozes gases and black oils its seeping white walls beg for rubber movements little boy inside the house sits on a pleated ......Read the rest...
Categories: transmits, memory,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Disney Syllabus
...Disrupted rough sea ripples shuffle audience anticipation Shift in seats, hammered hearts Pummel, fluffy microphone muffle confines communication To thespian garish starring ......Read the rest...
Categories: transmits, art, beauty, identity,
Form: Rhyme
Trivial Pursuits
...She is uppercase, Her within the within out shines the sun, out paces the moon. Thoughts of a ham sandwich come to a squealing halt as I recall my low sodium diet - She (too often to count) pla......Read the rest...
Categories: transmits, poetry,
Form: Free verse

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