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Towering Poems - Poems about Towering

Towering Poems - Examples of all types of poems about towering to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for towering.
Premium Member I have lived under towering skies, in the shadow of cold, silent laws
I have lived under towering skies, in the shadow of cold, silent laws, Never bowing beneath their absolute powers and their flaws, I sought not the blazing storms in their crystal goblets of might, For they feed on...Read the rest...
Categories: towering, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
Towering Tones
Better Than Best!!!!! _______________________ Ruther Casttill a pension schemer, and retired Dairy farmer: who married Lilly Coa Dang's daughter who is one of Adebayo Ackah 16 children. My name is Trevor Slocombe. Ruther Castills great grandson who lives his fathers...Read the rest...
Categories: towering, adventure, film, music,
Form: Bio

Towering Rocks
The towering rocks Looking below everything What plain is doing....Read the rest...
Categories: towering, engagement, metaphor, nature, perspective,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Towering Maple
Stripped from Fall's shearing naked she sighs she groans As winter's wild wind has his way with her. Stronger than you, am I, boasts wind, his tempestuous howling screams hitting helpless...Read the rest...
Categories: towering, bullying, depression, seasons, winter,
Form: Free verse
Towering Infernos
Dawn of the city sunset of humanity Light a burning ash —darkness closing in (The New Room: September, 2022)...Read the rest...
Categories: towering, time,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Towering Hill
hill* towers midst clouds summit transcends firmament--- as tall trees praise God *Psalm 68:15 The hill of God is as the hill of Bashan; an high hill as the hill of Bashan. March 3, 2022 Edited on March...Read the rest...
Categories: towering, appreciation, christian, environment, mountains,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Beneath the Towering Beech
Where gray shadows lurk beneath the towering beech A kaleidoscope of color seeks to linger in the space Where bare brown leaves cover the sunrays cannot reach, Where gray shadows lurk beneath the towering beech Squirrels battle for nuts,...Read the rest...
Categories: towering, animal, nature, solitude,
Form: Triolet
Premium Member Towering Echoes
For miles, nothing came remotely close that rivaled her attraction. No one ever told us, but she looked like some kind of smoke stack, utilized for burning debris or...Read the rest...
Categories: towering, childhood, memory,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member My Towering God--
My Father's towers Is strong powers And to those who think there're weak Acknowledge Christ and He will endower You with lasting strength indeed empowering... He rules He reigns my God towers 6/2/20 Written words by James Edward Lee...Read the rest...
Categories: towering, analogy, endurance, god, mountains,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Towering Giraffes
giraffes spend their lives standing, sleeping, birthing, and eating, all have horns 2019 September 13 howmanysyllables 5-7-5...Read the rest...
Categories: towering, animal, nature,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Towering Inferno
There stands a blackened tower Shrouded in a ghostly white The tomb of seventy two From a day that drags on hour by dreadful hour As we reflect upon that ghastly night A day so many live to rue. From...Read the rest...
Categories: towering, bereavement, death, fire, grief,
Form: Rhyme
Flowering and Towering
Flowering and Towering From her mind poems were flowing and flowering, And high above the world they had been towering; Ability endowed, And was proud; Effort to write poems God Himself was empowering. Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: towering, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Towering Trees
I dream of Earth, like a prophecy, A towering vision of trees, For climate change, we might, Create gardens of earthy delights, To preserve us all from endless nights, If we don't, we could all be out of sight, Our...Read the rest...
Categories: towering, earth, garden, imagination, planet,
Form: Free verse
Death of a Towering Personality
Etched in history, 23rd March 2015 marks the death of an architect of a small country.. When he passed away, Lee Kuan Yew left behind Singapore a most vibrant country.. His was 7 days of mourning to...Read the rest...
Categories: towering, appreciation, courage, education, goodbye,
Form: Light Verse
Towering Tyrrany Fall Down To Ash
tyrranical intimidation cuts down freedom and cuts down love, let the towering tyrrany fall to ash that cannot blow blow to fire again let the republic rise from tis small cinders and grow to a blaze that was once my home. ...Read the rest...
Categories: towering, death, hope, life, loss,
Form: Free verse

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