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Touchdowns Poems - Poems about Touchdowns

Touchdowns Poems - Examples of all types of poems about touchdowns to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for touchdowns.
Along the Wall of Campbellton Dam 1 of 2
...Pulled off the road Stirred up the dust Sat in my car Over the fence Campbellton dam Built in nineteen e- leven by pow- erful alien workers Twenty-four hun- dred five feet across Keep off t......Read the rest...
Categories: touchdowns, art, dream, humorous, philosophy,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Super Sunday, Hangover Monday
...Wow, another Super Bowl Sunday is upon us here, While it's treated like a national holiday. Yet consumption can be measured by all the beer, As the gallons are poured while they play. N......Read the rest...
Categories: touchdowns, football,
Form: Narrative

Are you ready for some Football
...Are you ready? I mean, are you REALLY ready for some football? Are you ready for some yelling, some fun, some cussing, some drinking, partying and tailgating? Are you ready for some fussing, so......Read the rest...
Categories: touchdowns, celebration, city, emotions, football,
Form: Narrative

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Slightest Chill
...slightest chill in the air this eve. prospect of pumpkins blinking; and apple, sour and sweet, pies; sweater hugs and hot beverages; passes and touchdowns; falling leaves, piled high with laught......Read the rest...
Categories: touchdowns, autumn,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member We Will Have the Blessing--NOW
... Mama’s Thanksgiving plans went awry. Football lovers might understand why. Mama called for the blessing. Everyone was obsessing over touchdowns. Mom uttered a sigh. “Keep the food......Read the rest...
Categories: touchdowns, 10th grade, football, thanksgiving
Form: Limerick

...Hooray! Wet grassy feet fill my soccer cleats. Hot sweaty teens run fast track meets. She skis down sugary mountain tops. He begs his coach to play shortstop. Footb......Read the rest...
Categories: touchdowns, baseball, football, fun, softball,
Form: Rhyme
Superbowl Sunday
...The Kansas City Chiefs will try To chop the Buccaneers down But the boss Tom Brady Isn't messing around He'll throw more touchdowns Than the law allows Snatching out the Chief's Feathers, maki......Read the rest...
Categories: touchdowns, feelings, football,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Reasons Fore the Sporting Seasons
...There once was a General who had an investment in the swamp He had many ways of getting what he wants Including making things great again when he stomps While in the marsh land The General ha......Read the rest...
Categories: touchdowns, america, history, image, political,
Form: Rhyme
Super Bowl Sunday
...We had the snacks, including chips And watched the game in little clips Including the commercials, though, Which ones I missed I wouldn’t know. For grandkids joined us for the Bowl With seeing......Read the rest...
Categories: touchdowns, football, grandchild,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Decade of the 80's
...I finished high school in the 60's, a decade of 'Change and Revolution'. Got marri......Read the rest...
Categories: touchdowns, america, family, history,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Orchestra and Me
...I had a dream last night. It was very concise but interesting. Rather revelatory, but not prophetic in the usual way. There was a class with a facilitator encouraging input based on a lesson plan pr......Read the rest...
Categories: touchdowns, anxiety, christian, dream, god,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Fate's Footfalls
...FATE'S FOOTFALLS I'm on the thirty-five yard line theball is in my hand But I trip and fumble first down I got a job now suddenly I'm fired this must be my call I'm then tackled it's...fates......Read the rest...
Categories: touchdowns, analogy, appreciation, change, history,
Form: Free verse
Friend Zone
...On a game field of the greenest grass We’d touch, I’d run, and you’d pass. I’d gain ground and you’d intercept. Every game, we leapt and swept Into the end zone to a climatic end; Nothing left t......Read the rest...
Categories: touchdowns, 12th grade, humor, relationship,
Form: Free verse
Oh Dear
...oh dear what can the matter be come now and let's try and see was it the patriots loss or eagles touchdowns toss this time was glad to see all stand singing our anthem and holding hands ......Read the rest...
Categories: touchdowns, celebration, football, funny, humor,
Form: Rhyme
Seahawks Lost Again
...They were ahead of Cincinnati by two touchdowns and still lost. Writing poems I always enjoy Even though others may annoy Like my wife while watching TV Who wants to be sitting beside me. ......Read the rest...
Categories: touchdowns, angst,
Form: Couplet

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