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Tnt Poems - Poems about Tnt

Tnt Poems - Examples of all types of poems about tnt to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for tnt.
Premium Member Information For You Who Needs
...City of Syracuse Area 3 TNT Facilitator & Community Advocate City of Syracuse Commissioner of Deeds...To notarize your papers Centro Tra......Read the rest...
Categories: tnt, age, blessing, business, confidence,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member moral
...TNT and beans moral army surplus sting~ hunger pain and maim ......Read the rest...
Categories: tnt, food, war,
Form: Senryu

Premium Member Romans Road
...The starting point is one:sixteen God’s power through faith foreseen One:seventeen’s righteous decree Salvation by faith is the key Three:twenty-three indicts us all Sin......Read the rest...
Categories: tnt, bible, faith, god, gospel,
Form: Rhyme
Bake Off Off
...It’s the Great British Bake Off And I’ve got to week six But I think it’s all over since They’ve dissed my bread mix. They said it was rubbish When I baked my plum duff And Mary said my cake ......Read the rest...
Categories: tnt, anger, food, humor, jealousy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member If Only Dreams Came True
...Putins botched invasion is going south I think NATO should give him a way out Chocolates stuffed with TNT And then set off remotely As he stuffs them in his fat evil mouth... Be music ......Read the rest...
Categories: tnt, humor,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Merry Christmas Vladimar
...Vlad, a Merry Christmas to you from me Complete with baubles a spruce Christmas tree But what he don't know That tree's gonna blow Cos' each bauble is packed with TNT... Putin woke up......Read the rest...
Categories: tnt, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Tasty Tnt
...strawberries cherries ~ explosion......Read the rest...
Categories: tnt, food, red,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Mono-Rhyme In E
...Got tired of watching MTV It’s now World News from BBC I’m watching with an OAP Who thinks I’m with the KGB I think that she has OCD Is that a case for A&E Then I discovered... OMG Her c......Read the rest...
Categories: tnt, nonsense,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Mulqueens Encore
...A scientist by the name of Mulqueen Wanted to create a Patrick's day scene Some borax he ignited The Irish were excited When over town he sent clouds of bright green. The crowds called an......Read the rest...
Categories: tnt, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Wetter Letters
...In youth's full bloom a stick of TNT Now wracked with age He spells it Tea 'N 'Pee......Read the rest...
Categories: tnt, giggle, old, word play,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Marco and Laura Coming Together
...It could be seen in the rough surf Marco and Laura traveling towards French style turf Touring the gulf Showing the teeth of an angry wolf Winds swirling Waves curling Water hurling Lik......Read the rest...
Categories: tnt, horror, howl, hurt, storm,
Form: Rhyme
Letters In Red
...A dying woman's suicide note. While writing, I am trying to find a reason to live. Amidst this chaos of heartbreaks, A coward have I become! I have forgotten how sweet The bell of hope r......Read the rest...
Categories: tnt, betrayal, depression, emotions, heartbroken,
Form: Free verse
Slavery and Reparations All Done
...SLAVERY AND REPARATIONS I am a descendant of slaves - from India! Anyone who demands REPARATIONS shake & quake at my words Competition? So, we have competing tales of bondage? The Jewish people's......Read the rest...
Categories: tnt, africa, america, analogy, black
Form: Bio
Premium Member Body's All Over
...There was a grave sight not far down the road Dynamite sticks atop a donkey's load -- The burro went under The noise was like thunder -- TNT caused the grave site to explode......Read the rest...
Categories: tnt, animal, sound, word play,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Enola Gay
...Enola Gay There on the ‘North Field’ tarmac of Tinian Island, Marianas; Taxis the sleek designed ‘Boeing B-29 Superfortress’ to ready for take-off. 1 Glistening, polished aluminum ......Read the rest...
Categories: tnt, education, history, usa, war,
Form: Verse

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