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Tit Poems - Poems about Tit

Tit Poems - Examples of all types of poems about tit to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for tit.
Premium Member No 'Tit-for-Tat'
it’s no ‘tit for tat’… mere revenge … justice is not… to set straight… it ought ...Read the rest...
Categories: tit, integrity, uplifting,
Form: Senryu
Tit for Tat
If everyone gave tit for tat, Who knows where we would all be at For every slight that we perceive Bounced back to make another grieve Would keep the cycle going ‘til We finally would have our fill Which would...Read the rest...
Categories: tit, feelings,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Tit for Tat
Tit for tat and all of that Leaves all with less and less. A hit for that, ‘round swings the bat Doctor, here’s more wounds to dress! A tit for tat, what is that? A remedy or a curse? Rat a...Read the rest...
Categories: tit, war,
Form: Didactic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

the shadow of the tree in the morning's garden
The shadow of a tree has fallen on the morning garden. It moves with slow steps and leaves its trail of frost, as if it were telling the time as the day progresses. The grasses, freed from its embrace sing a...Read the rest...
Categories: tit, bird, french, sun, weather,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Tit For Tat Don't Do That
Jon Stewart, sometimes host of The Daily Show ridicules Trump, then dares jump to the other side and does the same to Biden. His viewers won't buy that second one, all caterwauling, You didn't warn me/them/us/they/he/she/vis or the...Read the rest...
Categories: tit, america,
Form: Political Verse

The blue tit bird
The Blue tit bird began to sing, he wants to mate it’s almost spring He does his best to find a nest, it’s up to her to do the rest He flutters his wings and calls his...Read the rest...
Categories: tit, bird, character, color, life,
Form: Sonnet
Tit For Tat
An eye for an eye A lie for a truth A song for a sigh A note for a groove A line for a page A pen for some ink A light for a stage A...Read the rest...
Categories: tit, fun, poems, poetry, poets,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Tit For Tat Election
You stole from me! I'll steal it back! What's wrong with that? Why do you mind? ...Read the rest...
Categories: tit, anger, emotions, moving on,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Tit For Tat
If you hit me and I hit you back, Tit for Tat. If you lie to me and I lie back, Tit for Tat If you steal from me and I steal back Tit for Tat This for this And that for...Read the rest...
Categories: tit, 10th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Tit For Tat
"Tit for that is a fair game",they say; A tooth for another,an eye for another; One grave to a grave; blood washes away blood! Darkness inspires night; tears dried with tears! It is a slap for a blow; no...Read the rest...
Categories: tit, pain,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Tit For Tat
Leaving his wife to her fate, He went with another on a date. With no protective shield, He entered the field. Forever, for him, his spouse shut the gate. A Funny or Bawdy Limerick Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Tania Kitchin Date:...Read the rest...
Categories: tit, anger,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Tit Us Andronicus
shakespeare has spoken homer here’s paying his dues damn he pulled some strokes in an odyssey of moves ...Read the rest...
Categories: tit, allusion, perspective, poetry,
Form: Tanka
Tit Four Tat nashai an palla kyun? kyun kay me tera putr ann. haramda van palla Q? kyun kay tun meri ma yai ay. pen yak an palla kyun? kyun kay tun mera pyo ayn. kuty da putr an palla...Read the rest...
Categories: tit, abuse, addiction, drug, nonsense,
Form: Imagism
Premium Member Tit-For-Tat Persian Cat
TIT-FOR-TAT PERSIAN CAT A young man and his chic Persian cat Help each other out tit-for-tat He feeds her fresh kippers She brings him his slippers Why can’t more couples be thoughtful like that? 10/13/22...Read the rest...
Categories: tit, halloween, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Tit For Tat
The night-shift on Lumparok nine Woke up to an ear piercing whine “Some Dumb earthling loon Has just bombed our moon And knocked the damned thing out of line. “Prepare the atomic collection And launch a high powered selection How dare Humans...Read the rest...
Categories: tit, humorous, space,
Form: Limerick

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