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Thump Poems - Poems about Thump

Thump Poems - Examples of all types of poems about thump to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for thump.
Premium Member ker thump
ker thump ker thump ker thump Lib - by Lib - by ...Read the rest...
Categories: thump, 7th grade, i love
Form: Rhyme
. I crossed the um ...Read the rest...
Categories: thump, anti bullying,
Form: Dramatic Verse

Thump Thump Fault
Determined to see Wimble done She turned on her TV for fun Net Assault Thump Thump "Fault!" Ilene's air conditioner won!...Read the rest...
Categories: thump, sports,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Thump Thump
Phone her got locked up Hearts her like to stop Not beating thump, thump...Read the rest...
Categories: thump, character, engagement, life, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Thump
Thump, thump...thump Hear that? Of course you's for your ears It's the sounds of love juices flowing through my veins Through my heart, through my soul Exiting...for you And... Thump, thump...thump For all...everyone My fellow... Beings Thump, thump... Thump Thump,...Read the rest...
Categories: thump, love,
Form: Light Verse

Premium Member Thump Thump
Thump! thump! Thump! Thump! Why must you jump; Jump jump stop; Hump hump; Git off that trunk; when you see me; You clutch purses hold your pockets; You come a running; It's not about you but yet you go...Read the rest...
Categories: thump, analogy, anti bullying, anxiety,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Trumpety-Thump
Donald J. Trump gave the market a bump "My financial smarts made all the stocks jump!" Then he bet on the Wall Let the government stall Now this chump's made the market go...Read the rest...
Categories: thump, leadership, loss, money, satire,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member A Click and a Clack Then a Thump and a Whoosh
With a click and a clack our seat belts were on, Then the thump of the closing door, And the key turned slow in the hole that it owned, Then the engine, it let out a...Read the rest...
Categories: thump, beach, freedom,
Form: Quatrain
Ka-thump-a-loon, my pet raccoon, sings opera in the woods at noon; I love so much to hear him croon. At night he carols to the moon. If you are lucky you might hear the songs he sings most loud and...Read the rest...
Categories: thump, kids, nonsense, silly,
Form: Rhyme
Baby and Thump
they eat some sleep or listen to the music beat its neat when teeth comming thur gums ITS BABY AND THUMPS...Read the rest...
Categories: thump, adventure, beautiful,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Thump Thump Thump
Thump, thump, thump, I can hear the choppers They are inbound Med Evac Another day in the bush Another man down I throw out a flare It’s a hot LZ Small arms fire From a sniper In a tree Sitting in front of the TV I watch...Read the rest...
Categories: thump, fear, war,
Form: Free verse
Thump Sucker
some grow toe toe and big and wear a wig its like a stick they lick no doudt they don't grow out with there luster they still THUMP SUCKER...Read the rest...
Categories: thump, growing up,
Form: Light Verse
Baby Teach Me To Bump Thump You
you like it this way you like hard play lets do it to day let get rough and tough let me do it too until you trun black and blue BABY TEACH ME TO BUMP AND THUMP YOU...Read the rest...
Categories: thump, adventure, happiness, pain, me,
Form: Light Verse
Babies Thump Sucker
its help them sleep after some eat get ready and steady to be real pucker these or BABIES THUMP SUCKER...Read the rest...
Categories: thump, adventure, child,
Form: Light Verse
Thump Sucker
this is not mabe i did as a baby now am grow up i still love this stuff thos my frinds theyer fesser am still A THUMP SUCKER...Read the rest...
Categories: thump, adventure, family, fantasy, children,
Form: Light Verse

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