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Threatened Poems - Poems about Threatened

Threatened Poems - Examples of all types of poems about threatened to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for threatened.

Premium Member Black Town Fort Myers Florida threatened by Donald Trump face Fbi confidential human source
Black Town Fort Myers Florida Living in hiding for many years after the fbi relocated my family to Ohio after a very long investigation in corrupt officers selling drugs in the city of North chicago...Read the rest...
Categories: threatened, allah,
Form: Rubai
A Witty Moment
Month December had brought paddy harvest too. Father was busy in the field for harvesting. ...Read the rest...
Categories: threatened, 9th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Men Feel Threatened
Men feel threatened Ben Ten and the women Jealous down...Read the rest...
Categories: threatened, celebration, corruption, death, drug,
Form: Senryu

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Threatened Abortion
Threatened abortion May that never be our portion! But wait! where goes all your dreams? ...Read the rest...
Categories: threatened, abortion,
Form: ABC
Premium Member Threatened
Half of clam shell sits deserted Scene's purity threatened by storm Gravitational force pulls sea ...Read the rest...
Categories: threatened, image,
Form: Verse

The Storm That Threatened
The storm that threatens to stay Thunder rumbles strong and fierce The clouds grew gray and heavy Darkness swallows the skies A storm is brewing Thunder rumbles strong and fierce Winds rush the land like angry waters Violent winds battle gives way...Read the rest...
Categories: threatened, body, change, education, encouraging,
Form: Blank verse
When a Free World Is Threatened
When a free world is threatened, Letting everyone awake to security: As the future seem so hard to predict; When a free world is made homeless, Parting us to think one another’s hate, or Getting us united for a better...Read the rest...
Categories: threatened, fear, world,
Form: Elegy
Man, the Tortured, Threatened Slave
Slaves to our instincts Stay out of the rain and I will reward you with a cosy feeling Soak up the sun and I will relax you Deny me my fill and you will suffer comfort food cravings Have...Read the rest...
Categories: threatened, faith, health, nature, social,
Form: I do not know?
A Threatened Love Life
An abusive relationship? Nope not me.See I have something called a threatened love life. It started off sweet.Him wanting to take me to the ends of the earth. Gave me Jewry,diamonds,car,anything you could imagine. So...Read the rest...
Categories: threatened, life, lost love, life,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry