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Thinning Poems - Poems about Thinning

Thinning Poems - Examples of all types of poems about thinning to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for thinning.

A Thinning Light
The light is thinning. A ragged man struggles to carry an unboxed large plasma screen. He is walking it home, he has no home still, he is walking it, but now it's raining the TV becomes a slippery umbrella. There is so little light to...Read the rest...
Categories: thinning, poetry,
Form: Free verse
A Thinning Light
A pair of new shoes in the thrift store, the old shoes would shuffle away from them if they could. A ragged man struggles carrying a large plasma screen in outstretched arms. He is walking it home but he has no...Read the rest...
Categories: thinning, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Trump With Hair Thinning From Beginning
Trump With Hair Thinning from Beginning He sure has an interesting way of things displaying, Even though he is growing old and hair is graying; Big, brash boss, With memory loss; What next is it this moron may be...Read the rest...
Categories: thinning, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Thinning Hair
early this year gentle as calm ocean waters lapping along a weir thumb and fore finger of right hand would peal back, (via diagonally flippant motion asper calendar representing progression of time) gets flipped over to veer in one direction (linear) revealing the next month...Read the rest...
Categories: thinning, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Thinning Hair
Despair... limp hair falling: screaming! A cure... for sure? Quick-fix... Rogaine! Who laughs? Who cares! I'm young, not old! Ladies notice... dark suit, white shirt: free-way to joy! All stare... fanfare: not hot to perk? Petty... not me! Copyright 2009 by Andrew Crisci...Read the rest...
Categories: thinning, funny
Form: Sestina

Premium Member The Thinning of the Veil
The crystal ball snow pierced the biting autumn wind; parting the dancing, curled, brown leaves, as they leapt across the lurid landscape. Jack-o-lanterns and ruby red mums shivered. Scarecrows on their crossed pickets, leaned precariously against bales of salt...Read the rest...
Categories: thinning, autumn, light,
Form: Free verse
Shadows Are Thinning
No one owned the tears, a tale of frozen pain, prayed in dark, making the silence harder to hear. A classic fire scalds the monument of life. A patch of grief here and there, lets out the mystery. A...Read the rest...
Categories: thinning, adventure, allegory, angst, animals,
Form: ABC

Book: Reflection on the Important Things