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Therapist Poems - Poems about Therapist

Therapist Poems - Examples of all types of poems about therapist to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for therapist.
Premium Member The Therapist
Of course, love is insanity don't dare get me near the couch! Love is honesty -- Dr. you are my cure! You ask me to open up... then all you do is write... next appointment, make it somewhere more private~ dinner and...Read the rest...
Categories: therapist, desire, emotions, humorous, lust,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Maybe a Drean Therapist Could Help Me
the dream therapist put out his shingle for a mere sixty dollars he will interpret your dream If you dream of a turtle, it means life is slowing down If you dream of a fish, you are trying...Read the rest...
Categories: therapist, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Therapist
I was advised to see a therapist! I went We discussed my issues A solution was found The therapist joined my issue We both saw another therapist! ...Read the rest...
Categories: therapist, 12th grade, anxiety, conflict,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Therapist
soft smile in violet voice healthy codependent choice illness fills brown void...Read the rest...
Categories: therapist, appreciation, art, poetry,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Regrets of a woke therapist
I was a woke shrink, I sadly write this verse. My patients came in bad shape, ended up worse. Today there was Cohen, who thought he was French. I told him either way, his privilege gave a stench. I...Read the rest...
Categories: therapist, happiness, humor, psychological, sorry,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member A competent therapist and confidant
Get help with thought patterns all new From the social worker guru Talia Green's expertise Helps seekers find peace And implodes thinking that's cuckoo...Read the rest...
Categories: therapist, caregiving, community, universe, wisdom,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member I Said to My Therapist
I said to my therapist, “Permission to Exhale,” I made a wrong turn long ago. Where angels fled and my body bled a crimson colored rose. And as the clock ticks slowly My heart would skip a beat Alone inside my thoughts Still...Read the rest...
Categories: therapist, anxiety, betrayal, depression, emotions,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Therapist
Pour out emotions, She says quietly, calmly, But I don't want to....Read the rest...
Categories: therapist, emotions,
Form: Senryu
I Was a Holistic Therapist
I was a Holistic Therapist with oils and creams galore. most clients were lovely but some you had to ignore. One came asking for 'extras' which i answered with a threat I said I'd throw his clothes outside which I'm sure he...Read the rest...
Categories: therapist, cheer up, funny, humorous,
Form: Bio
Premium Member You Can Bring Your Therapist
The house had been abandoned since December 24th, 1996. The day the family disappeared. I know. I was there. The only survivor that we knew of, all the others gone. I had not been back since my cousins...Read the rest...
Categories: therapist, halloween,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Dearest Physical Therapist
Dearest Physical Therapist~Ryan: ?When you see the rough coating on a pineapple, do think of me....... The outside, rough and hard to open. The inside, soft and loving as can be! Thank you for all your work with me. Four full...Read the rest...
Categories: therapist, health, success, thank you,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member He Is Better Than a Therapist
He listened to our argument with a smile on his face. Who is this guy? My husband asked, pointing to the place. That’s just a stuffed snowman, I said. You can ignore him. That’s when he jumped down...Read the rest...
Categories: therapist, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Best Therapist She Knew
My friend Jerisha asked me to recommend a therapist. I do not know any except me; weird? Sure, but true. So, I told her to call her doctor, Doctor Snozz and get a recommendation. Dr. Snozz gave her...Read the rest...
Categories: therapist, humorous,
Form: Narrative
My Therapist Doesn'T Know Your Name
Every day I think I’m over you But a passing memory reminds me That I will never experience that love again But I guess I should be grateful Now the love I experience will be Whole Pure I won’t...Read the rest...
Categories: therapist, poems,
Form: Free verse
The Writer In Me, Wants You To Know
The Writer In Me, Wants You To Know 7/31/2021 Mom, they called me  I was only nineteen listening to everyone talk about their problems They hauled so many burdens until I was able to release them.  What about my problems? I...Read the rest...
Categories: therapist, age, caregiving, character, deep,
Form: I do not know?

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