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Targets Poems - Poems about Targets

Targets Poems - Examples of all types of poems about targets to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for targets.

Texan Targets
Send the kids to school to be shot Or church to become a sex pot With COVID-19 Becoming a teen May be the slimmest chance they've got! n.b. Texans believe life is only sacred until the breath...Read the rest...
Categories: targets, culture,
Form: Limerick
Escapee Running Like An Amputee
We heard of the ambush And we remembered George Bush: A Radio-Announced Ambush And we made for some bush, The man in my front continually push … One hell of a Lazing Runner While my heart was Bunsen Burner. Quick was I...Read the rest...
Categories: targets, anxiety, death, fear, violence,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Traffic Jams Everywhere
Congestions Occur in the brain Pressures and tensions Workloads and targets Competitions and expectations Time limits and deadlines All contribute to A serious spiritual traffic jam With No by-pass No overhead bridge As life is not as simple As a traffic jam on the road We have...Read the rest...
Categories: targets, emotions, time, work,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

False Targets
Make it as bad as it really ing was The Nazi’s most lethal fighter plane With a load of guns and bombs Killing Allied and Soviet forces Like they were tin soldiers paper planes...Read the rest...
Categories: targets, flying, military, war,
Form: Free verse
Political Targets
A target set by a politician may stand for an inflated ambition, for when it's not met he'll be most upset for it gives to his foes ammunition....Read the rest...
Categories: targets, political,
Form: Limerick

Mission Accomplished
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED We dance, mutate and celebrate: another perfect host. The old make easy prey, we watch them gasp and slip away. And our kind are not averse to the odd doctor or nurse, regardless of...Read the rest...
Categories: targets, 8th grade, analogy, body,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Targets
I wasn’t seeing when my eyes were open I never understood the song What if God was one of us, I always thought the point was that he was I observe that I self-monitor by constantly...Read the rest...
Categories: targets, emotions, memory,
Form: Free verse
Paper Targets
Paper Targets You shoot at people as if they were paper targets Not caring who you kill, maim or injure Your outrage has been well planned Not a single bit went wrong You serviced your guns Collected hundreds of bullets Dressed the...Read the rest...
Categories: targets, anxiety, death, life, murder,
Form: Blank verse
Paper Targets
You shoot at people as if they were paper targets Not caring who you kill, maim or injure Your outrage has been well planned Not a single bit went wrong You serviced your guns Collected hundreds of bullets Dressed the part...Read the rest...
Categories: targets, anger, hurt, murder,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Targets
a voyage of life for love memories of bliss point to the particular time becomes reality autonomy an illusion of contradictions: injustice takes ...Read the rest...
Categories: targets, life,
Form: Verse
Life Is the Two Targets
life is the two targets; side of the palm whether white or black; get warm for side to stretch; side to relax a target conceive concomitant combinations calm black target; white target. the mind to the side of the sound availing the...Read the rest...
Categories: targets, life,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry