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Tao Poems - Poems about Tao

Tao Poems - Examples of all types of poems about tao to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for tao.
Trabaho, kailangan ng lahat ng tao Upang kumita ng pera na pambili Ng mga pagkain at ng mga gamit Dapat na ibigay ito sa lahat ng tao Huwag ng maging sakim ang mga nasa gobyerno at namumuhunan Ibuhos ang kaban...Read the rest...
Categories: tao, 10th grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Free verse
The Tao of joy and bliss
Joy is found in money Nor yet on things any, Joy is conditional somehow-- On whence it comes and how. I may balloons buy to feel happy, My friend, by selling them, Another one by bursting them, For sure, joy is a...Read the rest...
Categories: tao, joy,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Brightening Frightening Neurology
Spectral light resounding arcs healing theistic justice positively bow toward resonant pantheistic patterned peace and negatively bend against dissonant monodramatic trauma. So too, wealthy sounding polyphonic cadence can feel drawn toward deeply panentheistic meaning-fullness Despite no healthy polypathic narrative that seems widely polymathic democratic speed of inspiraling...Read the rest...
Categories: tao, earth, health, integrity, math,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Unholy Ruminations
The opposite of life is death The polar opposite of eternal health is terminal disease, with unease perhaps lying/truthing in-between timelessness and untimely demise So too, my opposite of steady compassion may be your unsettling dispassion Elation v deflation of all these oppositional answers above as clear as...Read the rest...
Categories: tao, death, grief, health, integrity,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
just allow the tao
sunlight on the son, shining like a star. king of the world, the man from afar. his army of peace, come to stop the war. a hint to the rich, a hand to the poor. the princely posture, standing nice and straight. the life that...Read the rest...
Categories: tao, life,
Form: Rhyme

Begin The Dance
Washing the clouds away, dreaming of lemon and minty tea. Open to follow the tide. Waiting for lights to guide my way. Yoking to paradise. Junking the fires into the rain. Kneeling to Heaven on...Read the rest...
Categories: tao, best friend, blessing, devotion,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Tao
we are here tame the mind let love appear bliss thunder undefined animates our soul now divine aligned truth our goal obliterating every fear presence feels whole...Read the rest...
Categories: tao, spiritual,
Form: Other
Premium Member ComPassion's Braver Angels
Impressive values, like love, claim resources that liberally breed ecological natural physically happy health and conservatively feed emotional spiritual mentally glad wealth. Oppressive disvalues like homophobia and racism and sexism and ageism and ableism and monoculturing disregard for threats of global anthro-supremacist ecocide, express what we are against because these are...Read the rest...
Categories: tao, anxiety, earth day, health,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Tao Ting
“tao ting” how to say silently that silence is the best answer without break ing it...Read the rest...
Categories: tao, color,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Samsara
("Bristlecone", 2016, original pen and ink) Samsara Beneath the titillation of Samsara the veneer of morality waits. Or is it the opposite? Beneath the veneer of morality the titillation of Samsara awaits. Either way, it’s the same thing, the whole damn mess being one...Read the rest...
Categories: tao, mystery, spiritual,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Restoring Health
Yang+Yin optimal health economics fueling wealthy cooperative politics Leads to less survivalist Yang v Yin Also, Yang x Yin multiplies SunLight x EarthPower cooperative empowerment fuels enlightening reiterations, integrations, creolizations As Yang/Yin divides separates disintegrates otherwise win/win healthy systems. So, just a quick restorative justice question-- Let's imagine a homeless...Read the rest...
Categories: tao, community, culture, health, integrity,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Tao Game Theory
This LeftMind dominant viral virtue of practicing RightBody patience Is a coverup for feeling deep impatience. Feeling impatient is not as hopeful as exploring active curiosity. Curiosity about why someone, including my own anthro-privileged self,...Read the rest...
Categories: tao, games, health, humor, integrity,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member A Man of No Rank
A man of no rank is free to come and go. Excluded from the councils of power, he is not burdened by the worries of the world. Like a wild beast he is ruled by the changing seasons, and not...Read the rest...
Categories: tao, freedom, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Empowering Voice
It seems to me, declared the preacher to the distracted music Teacher, that sacred MonoTheism smugly explains and exalts AnthroOwner Privilege to ordain, buy and sell Earth's health-care rights. It may sound to we, sang the woke musician refraining and training Her preacher, that rabid AnthroSupremacy explains and expects...Read the rest...
Categories: tao, black love, god, green,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum
Premium Member Dancing Pequot River
Flying free in rooftop ecstasy Raptor's wings direct with feathered pins strong, erect swelling mountain chests then wings brought safely down protecting Earth's most sacred wounds. Standing Yang with wings wide spread Left then Right rebalancing Bent over filling in Yin's flow extending gratitude for out bold...Read the rest...
Categories: tao, dance, earth day, health,
Form: Parallelismus Membrorum

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