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Brightening Frightening Neurology

Spectral light resounding arcs healing theistic justice positively bow toward resonant pantheistic patterned peace and negatively bend against dissonant monodramatic trauma. So too, wealthy sounding polyphonic cadence can feel drawn toward deeply panentheistic meaning-fullness Despite no healthy polypathic narrative that seems widely polymathic democratic speed of inspiraling light and fractal-powered purpose When justice shows up You don't have to solve my world, resolve my mind to body shows just cadence up maybe isn't quite so marching down. Just grow out capital His-story. Throw out whatever wealth-eulogies we can find, they'll never change our warring minds. Justice grows unshout out unpeace changing calm wise-womanologies. Peace flows up. Down deep where old whores find luck of justice so blind she'll never He be come slippery wet between our beats; hungry peace flows out. Just stand up. Down sliding stairs of glaring need, gliding prayers of blaring greed, crying slayers of darkened creed, slying players of slutty breed, flying nayers of righteous steeds Let just Us free Earth's kosmic karmic bleed Flow fueling spectral light resounding spirals positively bowing toward resonant patterned peace and negatively bending against dissonant disturbing pleas.

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