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Swallow Up Poems - Poems about Swallow Up

Swallow Up Poems - Examples of all types of poems about swallow up to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for swallow up.
Bounded By Grief
... {"The ruins of you lie in the dusk, shall we take this dance or shall we not? You Grace me with your presence though my ambitious trust has vanished and fallen from a Terrance, your hand extend......Read the rest...
Categories: swallow up, absence, abuse, addiction, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I Won't Give Up
... Quiet colors contemplate the night, Hesitating for the wind to sing Praying, praising, preparing for the joy Beyond the clouds, balanced Like a heart inspired, stirred by the yearning For a......Read the rest...
Categories: swallow up, appreciation, blessing, christian, gospel,
Form: Free verse

...Now I lay me down to sleep I'm cast into the Darkest Deep My fate draws nearer every breath As I prepare to welcome Death When I succumb at Her behest My heart shall cease within my chest The S......Read the rest...
Categories: swallow up, dark, deep, depression, dream,
Form: Ballad

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Jealous of Yesterday
...I'm jealous of my yesterdays Those faces shining bright Who used to grace our presence Family parti......Read the rest...
Categories: swallow up, how i feel,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Where Tranquility's Quintessence Abides
...I start my afternoon hike up a mountain trail. October’s sunlight, the vestige of Indian Summer, dapples my exposed skin with welcomed warmth. Sun’s rays are gilded tendrils cutting through pi......Read the rest...
Categories: swallow up, autumn,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Renascence
...Darkness still needs to be a portion of the sky, It symbolizes grasping the cosmic matrix.  Alas, it did not rise by a twist. It's the basics, As morrow never rolls to spell crux truth......Read the rest...
Categories: swallow up, analogy, bereavement, destiny, inspirational,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
O Death, Where Is Your Sting
...If it is the stairway to heaven, i must go. If it is the way to Hades, I must slight slow. Think. Ponder about the way to eternity. Why must I lay there? when the cross never crossed that path. ......Read the rest...
Categories: swallow up, christian, jesus, water,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Era of Terror
...The Era of Terror The Era of terror is upon us- the world is in turmoil The raging plains are complaining The need to pray is necessary- Tornadoes whirl across the skies Hurricane......Read the rest...
Categories: swallow up, anxiety, betrayal, change, conflict,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Last Sigh
...In my heart always lingers Dad’s last sigh Never in oblivion could I bury Such upholds my hope for heavenly high Leaving me with adieu of victory*. With his legacy of love and faith’s z......Read the rest...
Categories: swallow up, blessing, christian, dad, death,
Form: Quatern
Premium Member Honor Killing
...Is this an exception? Isn’t inter-caste marriage a taboo even today in the Indian sub-continent? Being born into two contradicting castes yet mad in love for each other, they knew their kith and kin ......Read the rest...
Categories: swallow up, abuse, life,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member In Your Mind During Those Moments In Time you sit there absorbing the calming rays of the morning sun you read and then realize how chaotic disarray is attempting to make love with harmony in a world of insanity while influencing you......Read the rest...
Categories: swallow up, world,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Morning Thoughts 2020
... Morning Thoughts 2020 12/24/2020 Today I sit before dawn is seen, and the quietness of the morning overwhelms me. It’s the eve of Christmas, and I travel back in time to blessings ......Read the rest...
Categories: swallow up, blessing, celebration, devotion, god,
Form: Free verse
The Make Shift Road
...Big trucks rolling down the market street blowing their horn in the crowded street Big trucks going around, I have no clue where they are bound, they swirl and turn rocking the people`s nerve, big ......Read the rest...
Categories: swallow up, america, appreciation, city, conflict,
Form: Narrative
The Make Shift Road
...Big trucks rolling down the market street blowing their horn in the crowded street Big trucks going around, I have no clue where they are bound, they swirl and turn rocking the people`s nerve, big ......Read the rest...
Categories: swallow up, america, appreciation, city, conflict,
Form: Narrative
The Make Shift Road
...Big trucks rolling down the market street blowing their horn in the crowded street Big trucks going around, I have no clue where they are bound, they swirl and turn rocking the people`s nerve, big ......Read the rest...
Categories: swallow up, america, appreciation, city, conflict,
Form: Narrative

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