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Supremacy Poems - Poems about Supremacy

Supremacy Poems - Examples of all types of poems about supremacy to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for supremacy.
The Fall of YouTube
Any institution that rewards mediocrity over true talent based on race, shall have the number of it's days cut by twain. For the Universe corrects itself and all that doth not deserve to be remembered, will...Read the rest...
Categories: supremacy, america, computer, discrimination, power,
Form: Rhyme
My Mother Was Catatonic
My mother was catatonic, symphonic chronic is what I smoke. Livinin it bougie, choosin floosies no uzis and then I choke. You can be me, insane cerebral cortex is just what I feel. Living pervy swerving Lexus and hexes...Read the rest...
Categories: supremacy, abuse, mental health, racism,
Form: Rhyme

The myth of white privilege and white supremacy part one Q and A
Q: How did I realize the Woke Marxist anti-God is lying to the American public all about both white privilege and white supremacy? A: This commentator and...Read the rest...
Categories: supremacy, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Prose

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member A Cheap Pleonasm: Make America Great Again
America has been GREAT, great for the last two centuries. All right, America has been the greatest among all countries, For a long time. MAGA is a cheap pleonasm, which just Won the most contentious election in American...Read the rest...
Categories: supremacy, africa, america, black african
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Celebrating White Supremacy
("Winter Tree", 2023, original encaustic) Celebrating White Supremacy As the world turns…. ever faster and more wobblier it’s hard to go a day without hearing some reference to ‘White Supremacy.’ Of course it’s a bad thing, right? Sure it is, until...Read the rest...
Categories: supremacy, appreciation, humanity, humor, irony,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Life and Death of Supremacy
The difference between RightWing political and economic autism, and Religious Right monotheism, has been greatly exaggerated To this post-millennial tipping point of monopolistic omnipotence predicting sacred Earth's matricide By LeftBrain-RightHand dogmatic dominance of a judgmental (straight-white) Jehovah or a militaristic Allah or a dogmatic YHWH or a...Read the rest...
Categories: supremacy, culture, earth day, health,
Form: Political Verse
“their freedom of width, yet not of height Descends, through the transpiring fright Which enraptured them, in a cage of night , never once, I would abide Preachings on the repugnant walls That seems...Read the rest...
Categories: supremacy, betrayal, conflict, deep, discrimination,
Form: Political Verse
The Supremacy of Hope
On this road of life There lies an unshakable Hope! A hope that is courageous and steadfast Certain moments in life will wake you up and Shake the core of your existence But in this state of prepared darkness The...Read the rest...
Categories: supremacy, destiny, education,
Form: Free verse
The Obsessed With Supremacy
The obsessed with supremacy Always quits with immediacy: To whom “Challenge me not” is a policy, Unaware of its sad deficiency. Everything wears its intricacy, Even Justice of Wide Advocacy, The Sick’s Drug-Providing Pharmacy, Kitchen with a sought delicacy...Read the rest...
Categories: supremacy, character, class, community, power,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member White Supremacy
Ah, Marcus Garvey, you were a trier, but never destined a King Easily made a fool of, if only you had half a brain you could win Famed by your own notoriety, ideology based on incompetence But, you've...Read the rest...
Categories: supremacy, allegory,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Violence of Mind
Once a nation Supremely white as driven snow, Singularly Christian, white and male, Purely untarnished, and aglow, Grandeur unparalleled in fairytale. Hence a grievance Punitively bold as bloody hellfire, Potently prosecuted in seats of power, Oppressively waged against objects of ire, Prisms of...Read the rest...
Categories: supremacy, america, anxiety, culture, freedom,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Complexions of Being
We are complexions of being, gradations of actualization. Our nature coming to be or passing away, Aristotle wrote. Mere complexions of being, gradations of ontology. In every American thing we claim to know, Pigment is the currency, Our petty underlying divisor, Our...Read the rest...
Categories: supremacy, america, irony, metaphor, philosophy,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member I Have Gained Everything With White Supremacy
I have gained everything with white supremacy A love so supreme, white was first color scheme. I have gained everything with white supremacy A love so supreme, I looked and loathe where I'd been. I have gained everything with white supremacy A love so supreme, even...Read the rest...
Categories: supremacy, appreciation, blessing, change, encouraging,
Form: Verse
Premium Member I Have Gained Nothing From White Supremacy
I have gained nothing from white supremacy with singular power, sans The Almighty My faithful friend with sheets of white my pal, poised, unpen itself to make things right How squeaky clean each new beginning? that borrows from the dead,...Read the rest...
Categories: supremacy, baptism, blessing, christian, encouraging,
Form: Couplet
Veiled Supremacy
White I know how, Here’s some money, Work to succeed, All Lives Matter, Color doesn’t matter, Blue Lives Matter, Reverse discrimination, Jesus knows best, Privilege....Read the rest...
Categories: supremacy, africa, america, black african
Form: Free verse

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry