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Strong Belief Poems - Poems about Strong Belief

Strong Belief Poems - Examples of all types of poems about strong belief to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for strong belief.
Thank You
... Thank you How I keep saying Deep gratitude showing Generosity, kindness, beauty The wonder and joy of giving.. What would I consider or measure The value of what is received, the......Read the rest...
Categories: strong belief, beauty, dedication, extended metaphor,
Form: Rhyme
Look In Their Eyes
...Look in their Eyes Who do you believe? Look in their eyes. Is there the gleam of zealot or fanatic, Or opposition to a pack of lies? Do you see a sane man or a lunatic? Do you hear the blust......Read the rest...
Categories: strong belief, political,
Form: Sonnet

Premium Member Gethsemane Experience
...Like a pearl falling into the Pacific, he felt lost. His human nature shrank and shattered like an autumn leaf. Blood poured into sweat. Into his core, he was tempest-tossed. Was he weak yet? Did ......Read the rest...
Categories: strong belief, jesus,
Form: Sonnet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

...You have to be silent amid the violence, You have to be strong but with calmness. Resilience is not an option for you. You are the man of the company, You need to stand up and hold tight to the c......Read the rest...
Categories: strong belief, age, analogy, betrayal, boat,
Form: Dramatic Verse
The Return of Christ
...Loving you, it is Not a begging  prayer but  must ... I love you so much. As Christ Jesus said, ......Read the rest...
Categories: strong belief, humor, i love you,
Form: Haiku

Death of a Loved One
... Ten years ago, my cousin died, He was too young to go, We all were sad, oh how we cried! But in our hearts, we know, His soul lives on in heaven sweet, We will see hi......Read the rest...
Categories: strong belief, death, grief,
Form: Rhyme
My Commanders In Chief
...Many think this holiday honors all United States presidents we elect But let me reflect It is Washington’s birthday that we celebrate It honors President Washington and President Lincoln as of la......Read the rest...
Categories: strong belief, america, february, presidents day,
Form: Rhyme
In That Late August Morning
...In that late August morning millions of eyes were crying for the death of their king... they longed for his voice that was beyond thrilling! Elvis' life suddenly ended in an unexpected tragedy; ......Read the rest...
Categories: strong belief, betrayal, celebrity, child, death,
Form: Rhyme
Feeling of a Lawyer
...When a lawyer enters a court he is so alone. He has to handle everything at his own. He is overwhelmed with lots of things. Yes, I do agree lawyers too have feelings. When he stood infront of jus......Read the rest...
Categories: strong belief, deep,
Form: Rhyme
...I live on fragile or strong belief, that nothing is nothing, and everything is missing a piece.........Read the rest...
Categories: strong belief, allegory, allusion, metaphor, wisdom,
Form: Epigram
Premium Member Three Companion Triolets
...I did not seek earthly wealth or fame My life has been rich and full, indeed I have tried to fairly play the game I did not seek earthly wealth or fame In truth, many people know my n......Read the rest...
Categories: strong belief, life, love,
Form: Triolet
Premium Member The Strong Belief of Senator Hiram Warren Johnson
...Johnson believed that war’s proponents use falsehood to garner support . . . this wise man died the same day the atomic bomb got dropped April 5, 2022 For Sotto Poet's Is Truth The First Ca......Read the rest...
Categories: strong belief, war,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member I Did My Very Best
...I choose the path where my ancestors trod With firm integrity and a strong belief in God, Leaving behind the qualms and hurtful doubts The twisting paths of many often-taken routes, H......Read the rest...
Categories: strong belief, blessing, how i feel,
Form: Couplet
A Strong Belief
...A strong belief can change the world, It's always within us but we are not concerned, Always Belief in yourself ~Deveshi Hans......Read the rest...
Categories: strong belief, 8th grade, care,
Form: Haiku
A True Friend
...The only ship which takes you down the timeline, And sail your gloomy spirit to the cloud nine, Without any favor, obligation and dues, This adorable ship will take you up,without any bruise. ......Read the rest...
Categories: strong belief, 10th grade, confidence, friendship
Form: Rhyme

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