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Stick Out Poems - Poems about Stick Out

Premium Member Stick Out Our Neck
Don’t forget We have a neck To stick out From time to time It’s an asset Though not high tech Yet it shows We have a spine We have to shout Get the gist out As a poet Words are our way There’s no doubt We’ll find the...Read the rest...
Categories: stick out, courage, inspiration,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member When I Am Young, I Shall Stick Out My Tongue Once Again
When I am young I shall stick out my tongue Stick out my tongue once again ... When I am ten I shall...Read the rest...
Categories: stick out, desire, fantasy, fun, future,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Stick Out Your Tush
What's your stance C'mon. Take a chance Bare your pants...Read the rest...
Categories: stick out, courage, fun, language,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Stick Out Your Chesticals
Life's a bowl of cherries as the old saying goes So flap those ears and wiggle your nose Laugh at the bad stuff Giggle at the glad stuff Stick out your chesticals and caw like a crow...Read the rest...
Categories: stick out, humorous,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Stick Out Your Chesticals
Life's a bowl of cherries as the old saying goes So flap those ears and wiggle your nose Laugh at the bad stuff Giggle at the glad stuff Stick out your chesticals and caw like a crow...Read the rest...
Categories: stick out, fun,
Form: Limerick

Stick Out Your Tongue Horn Haiku
Stick Out Your Tongue Horn Haiku Should stick out your tongue When something is appalling Like Donald Trump is. Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: stick out, allegory, analogy, humorous,
Form: Haiku

Book: Reflection on the Important Things