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Stich Poems - Poems about Stich

Stich Poems - Examples of all types of poems about stich to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for stich.
Premium Member Align
... We Align People don't live a facade of niceness It is birthed from the heart Overflowing with love For a picture does paint a revealing moment in time With encouragement, rel......Read the rest...
Categories: stich, beauty, devotion, feelings, humanity,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member light humor
...There once was a fellow named Will, Whose nose was exceedingly ill. He sneezed with great force, And altered his course, he's orbiting Jupiter still! There once was a lady named Sue, Who fou......Read the rest...
Categories: stich, humor,
Form: Limerick

When Papoose Shot Cat
...When Papoose Shot Cat Horn Haiku when problem with papoose from neck have to remove noose had to declare truce when tired while shot temptation off will have fought killing cat had not ......Read the rest...
Categories: stich, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Which Stich Had a Glitch Horn Haiku
...when we would know which had been a hitch with a stitch ending up with glitch......Read the rest...
Categories: stich, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Same To Same Nursery Rhyme
...SAME TO SAME Yesterday my friends came. Do you know all of them ? No problem : Take part in game. Excuse is lame.......Read the rest...
Categories: stich, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Cousins Making Memories
...Three cousins who know how to sew Are cutting and talking and laughing. Telling stories that make no sense to grown ups But are hilarious to each other. Stitch. Stitch. Stich. Hem. Hem. Hem. S......Read the rest...
Categories: stich, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Christmas Tree For Stitch
...Stich could not believe his sister gave him a tree! It was the best thing ever! Whoopee! Whoopee! I love this so much he said, Yippee Dee! Dee! Settle down, his sister said. The tree is not free. ......Read the rest...
Categories: stich, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Rhyme
Love : a Mystery
...Is love an addiction? Some say yes it is, With no center for rehabilitation. Some say no it can't be. It is like meditation, And soul attain salvation. Some say it motivates, Which help ......Read the rest...
Categories: stich, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Enrich
...As I dig in this ditch, The ground spiders make me itch. 'I'm not a ghoul', that is my pitch, As I long to be a witch. This graveyard labor makes me twitch, As the more holes I dig, I will s......Read the rest...
Categories: stich, appreciation,
Form: Monorhyme
Grief Like a Woven Thread
...Grief, like a woven Thread, Binds together everything, A fragile flower, Its bright petals, Opening to meet the sun above, Blown gently by the breeze. A Grief, Stitched with lov......Read the rest...
Categories: stich, birth, courage, grief, self,
Form: Free verse
A Letter From Azerbaijan
...She used to write letters to mother She used to write from Azerbaijan. She was learning to stich ‘koblan’ She was raising my little niece. She had the sharpest face of us all. Mother used to t......Read the rest...
Categories: stich, 3rd grade,
Form: Free verse
...I remember some walks have no route Some monsoons no rains Some hearts had no longing N some brains no logic I remember some eyes have thirst N some cheeks weren't moist Some letters we're unse......Read the rest...
Categories: stich, 12th grade,
Form: Ballad
A Common Stitch
...From day to day, minute to minute we each live our challenges. Some have more now, some less and others are in waiting. But whether visible or underneath the still lake, it's there. What's the s......Read the rest...
Categories: stich, hope,
Form: Free verse
The Scarecrow
...This lonely life of the scarecrow man, Rewards are few, but I do what I can, I’m losing straw, where I’ve lost a stich, Me arms are aching and me nose does itch, The cold, cold snow gives me fros......Read the rest...
Categories: stich, fun,
Form: Light Verse
I Am
...I am a poet I am a healer a real pain feeler I don't inject or give pills to take 2, 3 times a day but I undress the truth to stich pieces of a torn heart and un-blind the closed eyes I'm a......Read the rest...
Categories: stich, metaphor,
Form: Free verse

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