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Squawk Poems - Poems about Squawk

Premium Member Squawk Squawk
~ This Monoku was requested by a friend ~ based on a comment made ~ I found a good use for a switch of birch ~ preaching parrot on a perch...Read the rest...
Categories: squawk, humor,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member Mr Tom Marries Meow Squawk
Mr. Tom was a confident cat, the talk of the town. We loved everything about him, he could get down. He had swagger and sway, we loved his confident walk. Until the wrong woman got him, her name...Read the rest...
Categories: squawk, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: Rhyme

SQUAWK A nuthatch built a twiggy nest ...Read the rest...
Categories: squawk, bird, funny,
Form: Rhyme
Each Squawk Heard From a Hawk
Each Squawk Heard from a Hawk Should sufficiently count each squawk, That had been released by a big hawk; Harder trying; Feathers flying; Changed mind and learned how to talk. Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: squawk, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Mynah Bird Squawk Song
mynah birds starling group are not natural speakers but they can be taught 2019 September 13 howmanysyllables 5-7-5...Read the rest...
Categories: squawk, allegory, bird, character, nature,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member Hawk Pursued By Squawk
Hawk Pursued by Squawk Dark & White Mottled Flight, Red Chasing Cardinal Instilling Fright, Guarding Agin' Invasion Not Right. Tiny vs. Awesome & Fearsome, Courage Hear Ye All This Poem, Able to Scourge, Raiders Stem. Songbird Brave Hightails Raptor, Saving Chicks From Certain...Read the rest...
Categories: squawk, bird, courage, nature, philosophy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Blue Jay Schools His Chick
blue jay schools chick well known screech heard in heaven makes angels smile...Read the rest...
Categories: squawk, bird,
Form: Haiku
A Squawk Too Far
I love my green and feathered friend a bushel and a peck, * But there was one occasion when I could have wrung her neck! She's normally so well-behaved, but on that fateful day When Aunty...Read the rest...
Categories: squawk, bird, green, humor,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Squawk Vs Gobble
A man had a parrot that talked so bad A worst vocabulary no one had The man attempted to make correction The parrot threw epithets in every direction Finally exasperated in a fit of rage The man pulled the parrot...Read the rest...
Categories: squawk, funny, thanksgiving,
Form: Rhyme
Hawk Squawk
Three three three me Through the veils of time Through the veils of space Through the veils of veils Into out of mind Nearer to away Stay me to the going Weigh my chance Feel my need Feed my knowing Wind still...Read the rest...
Categories: squawk, nature, me,
Form: Lyric

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry