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Spite Poems - Poems about Spite

One bee out of many in flight Arrived in my garden in fright It danced on my cup Then sucked up a sup And stung through my glove out of spite...Read the rest...
Categories: spite, anger, fear, flying, funny,
Form: Limerick
Its Mine
I fight day and night I fight Every light I see is of my own devices Every dark moment i endure is of my own devices I fight Even if they say my light is another's I fight I hold onto my...Read the rest...
Categories: spite, anger, angst, courage, identity,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Sadist Sadiq
Sadist sadiq says; Londons having ulez And he; only, he'll decide.' Only he'll decide.! Sadist sadiq says, we all need ulez With cameras both near and wide.' Sadaist sadiq says; sadist sadiqe says And you will comply, ...You must comply...Read the rest...
Categories: spite, anxiety, august, environment, irony,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member You Bring Me Yourself Demeaning Yet I Love You Still In Spite of Your Negative Self-
You held my energies my heart beating in alignment with yours; Yours truly, displeasures you corrupted your body pure; I love you in spite of your imperfections your reckless cover; Self-destruction callous ignoring your inter life’s beauty; I care...Read the rest...
Categories: spite, analogy, angst, anxiety, depression,
Form: Vaasokht
I’m just so drained Im slap out of fight It’s rained and rained Drowned is my sight My world is so dark I can’t find the light If there were an escape I’d be on the next flight But this isn’t right My neighbors...Read the rest...
Categories: spite, depression, how i feel,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member 20th Century Dreams
John Wayne would not entertain self-doubt or indecision jumped in again and again with full blown tunnel vision pure bravado does not stop mortality's sure advance nothing can give assurance we will have that one last dance not every situation is cause to...Read the rest...
Categories: spite, change, death, fate, humanity,
Form: Rhyme
I Caught Covid In Spite of My Vaccinations
New York state is paying 20 cents for gloves that normally cost less than five cents, $7.50 for masks that normally go for 50 cents, $2,795 for infusion pumps that normally cost half that, $248,841...Read the rest...
Categories: spite, 12th grade,
Form: Bio
God's Kingdom Will Advance In Spite of a Crisis
God’s Kingdom will advance in spite of a crisis The Kingdom of His SON will MOVE FORWARD A crisis cannot block the work of the Kingdom We live by faith and allow the UNSEEN to affect the seen! Heaven...Read the rest...
Categories: spite, jesus,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Spite
do sweet daffodils in the Ukraine still blossom to spite destruction Image: Ukraine: Valley of Daffodils via the rest...
Categories: spite, war,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Spite Wedding
Esau married a hot Ishmaelite; To get back at Isaac in spite. The town is all buzzin’; He wedded his cousin, But they say that the kids are alright....Read the rest...
Categories: spite, humorous, wedding,
Form: Limerick
My Fake Memories With Spite
As if I wasn't the best that emerged in those dry lands that begged for rain but received only filthy blood... I was a foreigner in my town and later in my own mind, dodging...Read the rest...
Categories: spite, imagination, memory,
Form: Prose
In Spite of You
Goin Narcissist on the Narcissist Maybe I'm a Masochist This is What you Wanted You asked for this Couldn't Resist Left to Reminisce Just End It The Way I feel is Irrelevant Negligent Malevolent Assist You in My Own Abuse Let Me...Read the rest...
Categories: spite, absence, abuse, anger, angst,
Form: Lyric
In Times of Spite
In times of Spite In times of spite we should act as one Giving people in need Our due as charm Friends or not Why would you care For people in need Live in euqal despair Chances might life Caters to ones steps Get ready to...Read the rest...
Categories: spite, community,
Form: Rhyme
Resolute In Rage
Embittered winter indignant spreads rancor erudite in malice. Irreverent arbitrate derisive disdains masses sardonic in verse. Vengeful slayer belligerent inflicts brutality pitiless in wrath. Steadfast rime unyielding immovable blight resolute in rage. (click on the pic to preview my poetry book!)...Read the rest...
Categories: spite, nature, weather,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member In Spite of the Mayhem
No reason to complain, us North American dudes We've even got wives with nice bums and boobs Ten little kids running around My aching head surely pounds But in spite of the mayhem I'm still in a great mood...Read the rest...
Categories: spite, giggle,
Form: Limerick

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