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Specking Poems - Poems about Specking

Specking Poems - Examples of all types of poems about specking to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for specking.

Catching the Star of Your Heart
...As I gaze upon the stars this night I can only wondering how I can catch your star The water from the ocean is speaking to me As I see a star reflecting off the sea It says to me that you are t......Read the rest...
Categories: specking, star,
Form: Free verse
Obama On Llama Horn Limerick
...Obama on Llama Horn Limerick Kitty did like to do drama Favorite President is Obama So handsome and very gallant For specking has natural talent Likes riding a llama me llama. Jim Horn ......Read the rest...
Categories: specking, humorous,
Form: Limerick

Trails of Our Souls
...Trails of our souls are challenged As we get older and wiser in time, Giving us propose to learn right From wrong as we walk these trails We've craved by our own experiences in life, Showing ......Read the rest...
Categories: specking, dark,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Elusive Sapphire
...ELUSIVE SAPPHIRE BY Kevin L Fairbrother The Willows west of Emerald A place to relax and try your luck For in the ground around the town The elusive Sapphire lies hidden Digging and sieving ......Read the rest...
Categories: specking, appreciation, mystery, work,
Form: Free verse
Damaged the Arranged
...DAMAGED THE ARRANGED. Our cloud signals change for Rebirth per heard, I fear as tears soak many Shirts, We have stirred with different Chefs, still, this soup can’t be Served. Let......Read the rest...
Categories: specking, political,
Form: Couplet

The Hunger Doesn'T Help
...I have a paper due on thursday and i haven't started Bills pile up like laundry Specking of drity clothes, I'm wearing my last pair of underwear and my heart hurts not emotional, phsically, lik......Read the rest...
Categories: specking, depression
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry