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Spa Poems - Poems about Spa

Spa Poems - Examples of all types of poems about spa to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for spa.
Premium Member Spa Treatment
I watched you walk away that night Then later had a dream We were sitting in a sauna Wearing robes while enshrouded in steam Then one thing led to another And soon it all quickly progressed 'Til we...Read the rest...
Categories: spa, sensual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Best Spa For a Sparrow
That’s the best spa of all the sparrow said. She hopped right in, with her cousin Fred. Fred hopped back out, It’s too hot! He lamented. She loved a margarita bath, she felt fermented. The mud facial on her...Read the rest...
Categories: spa, bird,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Spa Day
Rose petals for your bed Down pillow for your head Silk and satin for your sheets Soft wool slippers for your feet Sleep in peaceful, silent bliss May your dreams be of a kiss From a fairy or a prince so...Read the rest...
Categories: spa, for her, i love
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

In the Manse Market For a Preowned Spa House
In the manse market for a preowned spa house Mine feeble efforts pale in comparison to a kid scaling El Capitan of Yosemite National Park, nevertheless me, a dry witted husband self emasculated milquetoast of late ofttimes yawps imprecations against fickle finger...Read the rest...
Categories: spa, absence, allegory, angel, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
My Life
My life I wake up make my breakfast Grab a knife to spread my butter onto my toast I go up stairs on roast my sister I pray that I don’t get a blister. I go to brush my...Read the rest...
Categories: spa, 7th grade, anger, anniversary,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Spa Day
salamander naps on shaded mossy pillow ~ mud day at the spa ---------- First Place Winner for the Nature In Spring Themed Haiku Poetry Contest sponsored by Tania Kitchin written on 04/01/2022 check: 5/7/5 ...Read the rest...
Categories: spa, nature, spring,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member The Spa: Fibonacci-Rhyme
*Image of Spa Coconut Bath Tubs by Pixabay. The Spa: Fibonacci-Rhyme The Spa when used be confused by most first-timers yet not a case for old-timers. As timetables vary per clients customary, employees plan on weekly, shifts expected, with clientele care to be primary. 2022...Read the rest...
Categories: spa, happiness, imagery, recovery from,
Form: Fibonacci
Premium Member At the 'Health Spa'
The waiter recommended electrons But they wanted something to get wrecked on -- She drank her protein shake He picked at his uranium snake -- Then ordered a ginormous peletron...Read the rest...
Categories: spa, abuse, drink, health,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Shangri-La
I wish my love a peaceful Shangri-La Where I can save her best from daily cares. A warm place where winter never dares And my heart smiles to serve as in a spa....Read the rest...
Categories: spa, care, heart, love, peace,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Bean Bush Coffee Resort and Spa
Come enjoy our whole bean bliss; where bean-sky-lifts flavored dreams, sky high or pick your own beans on your way up; yes, we grow it all on one mega-bush. Saucer dining jettison’s flavors into stellar space-brews, captivating to the senses, tantalizing the taste buds, teasing the...Read the rest...
Categories: spa, drink, fantasy, fun, poems,
Form: Free verse
You Can Become Dreamy In a Spa
”You Can Become Dreamy In A Spa” (by Rainbow ?? Promise) Soft Erie-like musical strains - Guitars, flutes, banjos, violins Float in the Air with rhythmic flare. With rhythmic flare you lay bare, Soft lights, candle lit, flicker there, As...Read the rest...
Categories: spa, allusion, conflict, dark, feelings,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member In Collaboration With the Stars At the Claremont Resort, Health Spa, and Tennis Club
Bay area's crown jewel, The Claremont, Where age 24 Steve Jobs and I talked, Well, him--as to the future--I was shocked, The guy aimed high, humble, who want for naught. An unscheduled stop by a young Prince Charles, That shook...Read the rest...
Categories: spa, allegory, character, destiny, inspiration,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Spa Day
Pampering Mood lights Candles lit Rose petals Aromatherapy Eucalyptus Hot stones Tickling chakras Hydrotherapy Heat wraps Warm bath Spa day For you And me AP: Honorable Mention 2020 Posted on October 12, 2018...Read the rest...
Categories: spa, appreciation, care, joy, sensual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Spa
spa day dad comes home to a brunette Published in Bottle Rockets #40 2019 Posted on June 18, 2018...Read the rest...
Categories: spa, change, color, family, father,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member A Beach Spa For My Feet
I push my feet blissfully into smooth sun-kissed grains of sand. Taking my feet abruptly from their fun, down to the shore I run. Warm briny sea caresses them; they splash like happy children....Read the rest...
Categories: spa, holiday,
Form: Sijo

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