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Sowing Poems - Poems about Sowing

Sowing Poems - Examples of all types of poems about sowing to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for sowing.
Let's cultivate souls in blooming gardens of wisdom: Eden remembered:-...Read the rest...
Categories: sowing, allegory,
Form: Haiku
LIFE'S SOWING AND REAPING In life's great garden, Many challenges test us: We reap what we sow:-...Read the rest...
Categories: sowing, allegory, fate, introspection, life,
Form: Senryu

Law Of Sowing
Our mind is like earth Whatever you plant it grow It does not matter if you plant Anything, anyhow, everything So don't plant bad thoughts But rather plant the good thoughts Whatever it is It will manifest in your character....Read the rest...
Categories: sowing, education, growth, perspective, wisdom,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Sowing Seeds For Success
Sowing Seeds For Success Miracle Man November 15, 2023 Perspiration moistens the ground, that will produce our life’s crop. But the ground must be ready, to receive seeds that we drop. Hard work without patience, is being one ingredient shy. Being as good as...Read the rest...
Categories: sowing, success,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Sowing
He sowed his wild muscadines They grew wild and free Soon returned to haunt him When he was thirty-three Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap....Read the rest...
Categories: sowing, teenage,
Form: Rhyme

Sowing Love
There is the wind to soften all and each flower... Because the nature of the wind ...Read the rest...
Categories: sowing, allegory, allusion, appreciation, extended
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Sowing and Glowing
As the fertile land happily receives whatever we wish to sow So Our Lord welcomes each one of us and makes our souls glow! © Demetrios Trifiatis 17 November 2022...Read the rest...
Categories: sowing, god, men, wisdom,
Form: Couplet
He dreams of thin chickens pecking at a dirt floor. A big brown teapot is stuffed with scraps of poetry; words waiting to be led out like bawling cattle into the haze and dust. As he does every day,...Read the rest...
Categories: sowing, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Sowing Love For Life
In this world to be a wanderer, in space, be a navigator traveling it is no hindrance. ...Read the rest...
Categories: sowing, adventure, allegory, allusion, appreciation,
Form: Epigram
Sowing Soil Under the Sun
Alone under the sun, one sole man ...Read the rest...
Categories: sowing, allegory, allusion, metaphor, sun,
Form: Light Verse
Tree I Planted
There is a tree I planted Not Long ago From a seed it started Then in a tree it grew. Yearly it would bloom and blossom Dropping its fruits for those to know There is abundance When we...Read the rest...
Categories: sowing, allegory, dedication, devotion, encouraging,
Form: Free verse
Sowing a Seed To Make Me Bleed
Much consideration was spent choosing a seed with intent  For I didn't want a weed, I had a much higher need So I planted the seed deep in the Earth with caution not heed Hoping it was heaven...Read the rest...
Categories: sowing, bridal shower, growth,
Form: Enclosed Rhyme
Premium Member Sowing a Seed To Make Me Bleed
Thoughts hither, slither like a snake, Thru fetid weeds to reach your lips, ...Read the rest...
Categories: sowing, analogy, farewell, goodbye, lost
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Sowing a Seed To Make Me Bleed-
Sowing a seed to make me bleed Fear is a laden earthen farmer Dirty is the solemn stain path Filthy plummet plans of wrath You break in me a spirit charmer Sowing seeds of destructive aftermath Winds of fear slowing ongoing Sowing...Read the rest...
Categories: sowing, analogy, farm, fear, identity,
Form: Rhyme
Sowing a Seed To Make Me Bleed
does a church bell still toll upon your soul in death your need to succeed impede greed has shame found your name through the pain i bleed as you watch the heart you stole become whole the seed you...Read the rest...
Categories: sowing, death, pain, write,
Form: Rhyme

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry