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Souvenirs Poems - Poems about Souvenirs

Souvenirs Poems - Examples of all types of poems about souvenirs to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for souvenirs.
Premium Member Memory's Souvenirs
I laud precious memories when cold nights prevail. Those that fan love's flames against Winter winds for in those images my lonely heart beats again, if only an interlude where grief holds no reign. But mourns my heart when...Read the rest...
Categories: souvenirs, memory,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Sapphire Souvenirs
As I watch the waves crash and unfold gems in neon blue dust across ivory shores silky reflections scatter upon moon glazed tides in cadence and flaming twin stars whirl in circles sprinkling magic upon Poseidon’s realm There's a turquoise song for the healing...Read the rest...
Categories: souvenirs, emotions, love, muse, ocean,
Form: Etheree

Premium Member Dreaming While Awake
The best dreams occur when the eyes are open When some miracles or a few good things happen At a time, when life is supposed to be monotonous Then suddenly out of nowhere, you reencountered An old friend who...Read the rest...
Categories: souvenirs, blessing, celebration, dream, hope,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Aromatic Souvenirs
In the edifice of memory, we slowly blend... a citrus scent of tangy orange peels with freshness sniff of cinnamon cakes. an ephemeric smell of wet shampooed hair with a spritz of cologne ruminating the spray. an evening brew...Read the rest...
Categories: souvenirs, memory, senses,
Form: Free verse
Soul Souvenirs
There's a beach ball stuck in the rafters of the pool, Its position unchanged for the 7 years I've been...Read the rest...
Categories: souvenirs, nostalgia,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Souvenirs From Volcanic Forest
He consulted a warlock, a wizard, a priest and a witch. The witch finally asked “did you pick up something you shouldn’t have?” He thought about this and remembered. He had collected seashells, sticks, rocks, and soil from...Read the rest...
Categories: souvenirs, travel,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Hometown Souvenirs
I wish to view an Oct sunrise in my hometown. Riding a train to class and eating bread brown. I miss wearing boots in my charming homeland. Jackets and hats close to the September end. Home ought to be...Read the rest...
Categories: souvenirs, analogy, appreciation, beauty, home,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Inklings of Love
Inklings of Love Love is a never ending daisy chain Lovely as damselfly sparkling with dew Joyful as rainbows in sky after rain. Cherish that you have a treasure so true Celebrate that her love glitters and glows Lovely...Read the rest...
Categories: souvenirs, dance, flower, love,
Form: Terzanelle
four pebbles ... from brighton shore - the souvenirs in pandemic -- Souvenirs of Silence, Soman Gouda...Read the rest...
Categories: souvenirs, allegory, beach, deep, london,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Souvenirs of Your Smile
Woman, you were so pretty. You were so beautiful You were so enlightened, so verdant and full of life You were so kind. You were so wonderful You were so tender and distant from the caterpillars. Oh! Woman, I...Read the rest...
Categories: souvenirs, deep, emotions, farewell, future,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Thingamabobs and Knickknacks
Silver candlesticks and other thingamabobs Of questionable use in these modern times, And riffraff scattered throughout in gobs Most are reminiscent of long-ago pastimes Of younger years spent happily gallivanting Around the globe in search of new ventures Now I spend...Read the rest...
Categories: souvenirs, how i feel, humor,
Form: Quatrain
Boxful of Scotland Souvenirs At a Car Boot Sale
boxful of Scotland souvenirs at a car boot sale a life’s possessions in thirty or so boxes from the back of a white Transit knick-knacks from Scotland a wee man with ginger hair tam o’shanter and a corkscrew a picture of Ben...Read the rest...
Categories: souvenirs, memory, poetry, sad,
Form: Free verse
White Clawing its way out of your eyes, Fear, Leaving behind only sour Bitter bleak brilliant Memories Of what you used to be. Not a person, A body Sustained by the past It being your electricity. A voice slithering in your mind Narrating your days With things from...Read the rest...
Categories: souvenirs, emotions, feelings, heartbreak, love,
Form: Free verse
Painful Rain of Souvenirs
Memories raining, intermittent rain drip ouch immerse in dolour ......Read the rest...
Categories: souvenirs, allegory, allusion, metaphor, pain,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Among My Souvenirs
creased old love letters many times read in silence- gushed a stream of tears November 18, 2020...Read the rest...
Categories: souvenirs, love, memory,
Form: Senryu

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