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Thingamabobs and Knickknacks

Silver candlesticks and other thingamabobs Of questionable use in these modern times, And riffraff scattered throughout in gobs Most are reminiscent of long-ago pastimes Of younger years spent happily gallivanting Around the globe in search of new ventures Now I spend entirely too much time, daunting, Searching for my eyeglasses or my dentures And trying to figure out how to dispose of The knickknacks and what-nots I’ve collected Not enough drawers I can into them shove, On shelves they are dusty and much neglected. I’m thinking that’s what my executors are for So, I’ve designated a few people who will care Who will make an inventory and open the door For an estate sale, when I have gone over there Time comes when my collections are scattered To the four winds and have lost their meaning Folks enjoyed them in my home, I was flattered, But, now I am doing some necessary cleaning.
Written July 23, 2022

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 7/30/2022 9:27:00 AM
I have thrown away more what-knots than I ever imagined collecting. For a good reason. I want to get my cars in the garage during the winter. I have no idea why I have collected all of this stuff.
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L Milton Hankins
Date: 7/30/2022 10:44:00 AM
Most of us have no idea where many of the thingamabobs even came from. I have pared down to keeping only those things which hold special memories and for which I can account or have a story. The rest goes!
Date: 7/27/2022 1:51:00 AM
So true, Milt. I once read this in in an angling magazine… ‘I live in fear that when I die, my wife will sell all my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it.’ Personally, I fear that my record collection will sit and rot in charity shops.
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L Milton Hankins
Date: 7/27/2022 5:20:00 AM
Oh, well, I know that whatever things other than those my relatives want, will wind up in an estate sale and go for a pittance compared to what I paid for them. That's the way it is, I'm afraid. may have some records that you could retire on, Terry.
Date: 7/25/2022 6:22:00 PM
At the moment I am sorting out the house to make it easier to manage. We have some nice real wood furniture that we would like to sell which we will finish up giving to charity along with all the other so called cherished items we have collected over the years. It is a throwaway society. Wooden furniture is becoming a thing of the past it seems. Good write, Milt, very true.
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L Milton Hankins
Date: 7/25/2022 6:39:00 PM
I understand completely what you are saying, Shirley. I'm glad my poem revealed, what I am discovering to be, a common "malady," shall I say? Thanks so much for sharing your experience on this theme.
Date: 7/25/2022 5:31:00 PM
Good for you Milt. I once heard it said of collectables, "It's only worth what it's worth to you." I've spend tens of thousands of $ on stamp collections over the last 50 years that nobody even wants anymore. My kids and family have no interest and I have no room for them anymore. lol Too much hassel to sell so I try to give away to senior centers that have collector groups. Thanks for sharing your thoughts through your poetry my friend. Bill
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L Milton Hankins
Date: 7/25/2022 6:41:00 PM
As I shared with Shirley, Bill, this seems to be a common theme, and this is what it comes down to, isn't it? You must have some collection. My life's hobby was collecting presidential memorablia. When we downsized, I sold the entire collection for a pittance of what it should have brought. But then, the Trump years took away almost all of my interest in the subject! I'll let you figure out why. Thanks, Bill.
Date: 7/25/2022 2:59:00 PM
My case is the opposite: after a few marriages, 'my things' no longer exist or are so scattered around the city that I no longer know where to find something I once owned...
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L Milton Hankins
Date: 7/25/2022 6:43:00 PM
It is so sad, Marco, but this is part of the cost of sharing your life with those whom you probably should have never done so, right? We are continually picking up the pieces and starting all over again, aren't we? Thanks for contributing to this discussion, my friend.
Date: 7/24/2022 1:58:00 AM
It's amazing how we accumulate so many knickknacks. Most are not worth keeping for the dust they quickly collect. Out with them!
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L Milton Hankins
Date: 7/25/2022 6:44:00 PM
Right you are, Jenna...but, then, what shall we do with the memories we cannot throw out...the good ones along with the bad ones? Good question, eh?
Date: 7/23/2022 8:12:00 PM
Save the Pyramids and the Taj Mahal. The rest can go. ~ Safe Bet
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L Milton Hankins
Date: 7/25/2022 6:44:00 PM
Interesting symbols of what I would call "memories," gw.
Date: 7/23/2022 3:47:00 PM
It never ends Milton, the cleaning and maintenance of the home. I just painted my deck,Power Washed the Winnebago, built wood columns, trimmed them, on and on, it never ends. Now to the garage and deal with this heat but I made some ice tea thanks to your Poetry today, Ha...
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L Milton Hankins
Date: 7/23/2022 3:55:00 PM
(chuckling) I'm so glad I could do my little part to help, Michael. You are right, the chores just never end!

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