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Southernmost Poems - Poems about Southernmost

Southernmost Poems - Examples of all types of poems about southernmost to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for southernmost.
Premium Member Playing Games with an Ancient
...I returned home after forty years to my home island of Hawaii. Its preferred nickname is the Big Island, lovingly a.k.a., the Orchid Isle, and yes, a.k.a., the Volcanic Island. Rightly named ......Read the rest...
Categories: southernmost, analogy, anxiety, change, courage,
Form: Dramatic Monologue
Premium Member My Birth Place
...Cape Comorin (Kanyakumari) of Tamil Nadu, Might be copious of the core concept called Xanadu; Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea, Amalgamate and mingle here, like mermaids, full of glee.........Read the rest...
Categories: southernmost, culture, life, nature, people,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Hint of Autumn
...*Image of The Farmhouse by UNS. Hint of Autumn Sunstar wakes, Aurora reacts, As light skews her southernmost sky, A roost rouses, a rooster crows, Henhouse's wood handle lif......Read the rest...
Categories: southernmost, autumn,
Form: Quatern

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member The Painted Islands
...*Image of Kaihalulu Red Beach by Pinterest. The Painted Islands The beaches brushing Hawaii's sea blues, in and of itself are impressive track, perceptive picturesque color-fi......Read the rest...
Categories: southernmost, america, beach, beautiful, color,
Form: Terza Rima
Vermillion Sunrise At Kanyakumari
..."A glance at the magical hues splashed into sky at dawn Paints a picture of hope in my mind's blank canvas" ~ quote by poet At the southernmost tip of The Peninsular India, where the thre......Read the rest...
Categories: southernmost, nature, sky, sun,
Form: Free verse

The First Kiss In Antartike
...The vast white yet to be fully discovered, was all we could see. Hand in hand, in the remote wilderness, and the untouched peaks amidst the icy mist, stood beautifully. She asked, "Why are we he......Read the rest...
Categories: southernmost, creation, crush, for her,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Southern Sunshine Hospitality
...There was a panther roar On an icy Canadian floor Off in the distance Images filled with persistence Somewhere south marlins swim and dolphins dance Aquarium stage is where they get the cha......Read the rest...
Categories: southernmost, america, holiday, sun, travel,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The World Is a Small Plane
...I have travelled through the cluttered corridors of my tired mind countless times. I have reached deep into the dark abyss of my captive soul and in that profoundly disturbing darkness, I went sear......Read the rest...
Categories: southernmost, appreciation, faith, inspirational, love,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member K373 and K374 of the Thirukkural Translated With Commentary
...K373 and K374 of the THIRUKKURAL: Translated with Commentary The poet's name, THIRUVALLUVAR [Thiru = Sacred and Valluvar = the name of the priesthood caste of the « Pariah » (whom Mahatma Gandh......Read the rest...
Categories: southernmost, appreciation, bible, christian, fate,
Form: Couplet
Terra Del Fuego
...Terra Dal Fuego Ushuaia the southernmost town in Argentine when I dreamt of going there, we got around about on sturdy horses herding sheep with Portuguese immigrants, islands protect Terra Del......Read the rest...
Categories: southernmost, allegory, allusion, march,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Tenants To Animal Landlords
...A nation with the southernmost capital in the globe whose identity has constantly been bullied by the global acknowledgement of a larger one. A place where economic empowerment comes throu......Read the rest...
Categories: southernmost, animal, community, earth, nature,
Form: Ode
Apocalypse Boko Haram
...Last night, when laid i my head to rest, dreamt i a dream dreadful; I wept,though i was a deep in sleep, I saw a baobab tree with three branches, on it lays the colony of three birds of the a......Read the rest...
Categories: southernmost, violence
Form: ABC
Premium Member Cape May
... See the Victorian style homes of an earlier day. There are plenty of them around Cape May. The sea birds seem to laugh as they fly. Ubiquitously, they fill the summer sky. Frolic in the......Read the rest...
Categories: southernmost, travel, vacation,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Biting the Dust In Atlantic City
... It is horrible news for any business entity if an outfit is forced into a bankruptcy. There is no immunity even in the casino industry. Another one bites the dust here in Atlantic City. ......Read the rest...
Categories: southernmost, business, loss, travel,
Form: Rhyme
The Burlesque Bowl-Fish
..."My mind was once the true survey, Of all these meadows fresh and gay, And in the greenness of the grass, Did see its hopes as in a glass..." -----------------------------------------------......Read the rest...
Categories: southernmost, adventure, allegory, fantasy, funny,
Form: Prose Poetry

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