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Soundproof Poems - Poems about Soundproof

Soundproof Poems - Examples of all types of poems about soundproof to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for soundproof.
The twilight of the morning
...The holes of the lace curtain, Having closed the winter windows. Life shimmers like so coveted blueberries. So many pieces of obscurity. The tops of the trees are spinning in the wind, In a semi......Read the rest...
Categories: soundproof, nature, philosophy,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Workplace Beauty
...True workplace beauty resides not in grand corner offices Or sleek designer furniture that impresses. Nor is it found in trendy open floor plans, Or state-of-the-art gadgets in employees' hands. ......Read the rest...
Categories: soundproof, work,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Welcome August
...Anonymously I remain faceless in a soundproof booth when dictators reign Unforgivable leader guiltless non-truths, I’ll hide from the suffering in vain God willing I’ll move un......Read the rest...
Categories: soundproof, america, analogy, angst, conflict,
Form: Acrostic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Highlights From Highland Manor
...Highlights from Highland Manor Courtesy Goofus and Gallant who began their broadly-drawn moral plays in the 1950s, initially depicted as identical twins, but later on, editors for Highlight......Read the rest...
Categories: soundproof, adventure, age, animal, celebration,
Form: Rhyme
Trust In God
...You feel lost Away from your safe hands; You feel so lonely, You are the only company to your soul. You are hurting deep down on the inside And you have to comfort yourself. You have waited for......Read the rest...
Categories: soundproof, christian, god,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member All of Me
...A beautiful thing just happened I asked him to play All of Me by Buckcherry on guitar The words were on screen and I sang and he held my attention and I held his And I disappeared into the beauty ......Read the rest...
Categories: soundproof, anxiety,
Form: Bio
The Meek Inherit the Whirlwind
...A daylight daze has been removed to a dark city in a DC Comic. Nations have swallowed their tongues, have become a caped parody of an undeclared independence. The good are caught in the sea......Read the rest...
Categories: soundproof, poetry,
Form: Free verse
For My Father
...When I think of my father my heart starts beating in time with his 7 A.M. footsteps on hardwood floors. His image rests in the second chamber of my heart. If I could shrink you down and put y......Read the rest...
Categories: soundproof, love, parents,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Our Mournful Montage
...Caught up in a mournful and jumbled montage It's an exhausting malicious barrage Just shards of a sordid side show collage Our sweet smiles are transparent camouflage For your aching ego there's ......Read the rest...
Categories: soundproof, society,
Form: Monorhyme
Sinister Voices Heard
...Sinister voices heard... and ethereal disembodied spirits seen from the other side of the woods said phantasmagorical sound and sight particularly experienced every Halloween. Though dog tir......Read the rest...
Categories: soundproof, adventure, allegory, angst, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Martian On the Moon
...***** A Martian from planet Mars, He thought the earth was a star. ......Read the rest...
Categories: soundproof, humorous, planet, science fiction,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member What Five Hundred Million Dollars Would Do
...I'd build creative writing, art, sculpture, music centers in 500 towns. To benefit any students aged 7 to 18 who wanted to utilize the facilities. I would hire art teachers who love art for art’s s......Read the rest...
Categories: soundproof, introspection, money,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member Angel Or Demon
...Audio hallucinations, voices not angelic, they're atrocious and scathing. No one else hears whispering every now and then: Did you hear that? Going mad a big fear; her visceral......Read the rest...
Categories: soundproof, angel, confusion, mental illness,
Form: Acrostic
Glorious Perception
...The real you underneath The tumour hiding beneath the surface Secreting poison into the blood Toxin controlling every motivation The knife should cut the malignancy out Hide it under the rug ......Read the rest...
Categories: soundproof, anxiety, dark, fear, feelings,
Form: Free verse
Noisy Neighbours
... Sandwiched between noisy neighbours We hear them putting their labours In screaming matches Boisterous snatches Seems like they're fighting with sabers I wish we had placed so......Read the rest...
Categories: soundproof, funny,
Form: Limerick

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry