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Slanted Poems - Poems about Slanted

Slanted Poems - Examples of all types of poems about slanted to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for slanted.
Premium Member No More Please Notes
... A recent poem l posted raised some negative feelings within me About myself …. leaving me feeling annoyed As l felt l had to write a “Please Note” on it Explaining my poems intention….so false......Read the rest...
Categories: slanted, change, judgement, self,
Form: Rhyme
Connected Spaces
...I miss my old room it was nice being in a small space at least i could call it mine mine mine mine mine mine putting my arms straight out i could touch each wall, ghost my fingers over the fres......Read the rest...
Categories: slanted, art, home, imagery, kid,
Form: Free verse

Sage and Embers
...Up on the winding mountain, there is a structure we knew so well— now consumed by red, devoured in flame. It was our shelter, a meeting place of like minds, a refuge against life’s weight, a......Read the rest...
Categories: slanted, blessing, change, conflict, courage,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

...• I've never really noticed how slanted the walls look • Almost like they're about to fall • I'd once leaned on them, they started to creak • Echoing through the hall......Read the rest...
Categories: slanted, 11th grade, words,
Form: Rhyme
...MINE This bond Lingering memories Shaped by our distinct experience My lisses heart Yearn for your warm bosom Throne of my lovely niche Be Mine to life ... This rose Slashing beauty Eye......Read the rest...
Categories: slanted, boyfriend, devotion, love,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Dreams Wrapped in Fairy Dust
... Written: January 08, 2025, For contest Sponsored by: Anoucheka Gangabissoon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Creeping softly through the iron gate. I can't belie......Read the rest...
Categories: slanted, analogy, dream,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Blue Mushroom
...Off the forest trails, where bushwhackers stray, Restless Mary ducked branches, left her screen that day. She was startled when a Horned owl flew A dragonfly landed on her sleeve; its color wa......Read the rest...
Categories: slanted, blue, childhood, dad, daughter,
Form: Lyric
Inner Storm
...The golden blaze of the sun fades to night A lurid haze of colors dance across the sky Lurking shadows ruffle across the coastline A spinning circle of destruction The pitch-black sky emerges......Read the rest...
Categories: slanted, emotions, environment, imagery, natural
Form: Tercet
Premium Member Another
... Stockings draped on the counter still. Trees slanted to one side, Or another. Decorations scattered, Piled on one another. Readying the Christmas Cheer! Many unwrapped ......Read the rest...
Categories: slanted, 12th grade, celebration, community,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Blood of the Sand
...Just above a pearl laced falls I plunged a bent hand into the silvery thrash. searching for something that had slipped from my hands. It was only a plain Riverstone but a gem none the less t......Read the rest...
Categories: slanted, age, wisdom,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Last Sunrise
...They play with my dreams Laughing at the bursting seams As everything falls apart Painting with the blood from my heart Covering walls with my feelings As I lay there dying and reeling They sai......Read the rest...
Categories: slanted, angst, dark, how i
Form: Free verse
Premium Member What the Mind's Eye Sees
...Letters congeal, to words. Words anneal to sentences, which tell a story, painted as images, imagined in the mind's eye, trying to emulate what the eye sees briefly, on the see-saw. A glint......Read the rest...
Categories: slanted, art, hope, image, nature,
Form: Imagism
Premium Member Freedom
... A must for you and me- Freedom is a gift we often take for granted; It's not free. Not guaranteed. Must keep it straight- never slanted; Our creed- Our prize! Free-will plante......Read the rest...
Categories: slanted, freedom, inspirational,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Jane-By-The-Sea
...Carmel-By-The-Sea, CA is 114 miles from my home in San Francisco. It's home to my friend Jane (a former fellow worker) she now finds California's central coastline to be the next best place t......Read the rest...
Categories: slanted, friendship, girl,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Gooey Gossip
...Did you hear the latest dear Gooey gossip hot off the press Like a cold beer for your ear But hold what you know close to vest I hear that man is really a ma’am Or it may be it is vise versa ......Read the rest...
Categories: slanted, america, art, poetry,
Form: Rhyme

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