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Sits Poems - Poems about Sits

Sits Poems - Examples of all types of poems about sits to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for sits.
Premium Member Time Never Sits For No One
Time stops for no one Poetry Contest Sara Jama From the first heartbeat to the very last From the first cry to the last gasp Life and time rise and then fall The hands on the external clock never pausing As...Read the rest...
Categories: sits, introspection, life, time,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member She Sits In Her Little Room
She Sits In Her Little Room - She sits in her little room Dried flowers and jasmine scent And writes the words of promise Hoping to transcend She often paints in memory Upon the walls of dream Where specs of stardust glisten Upon a...Read the rest...
Categories: sits, art, imagery, inspirational, love,
Form: Verse

Premium Member She Sits Alone - POTD
The visitors arrive and I must bear Their comments are not that I really care. I stare at them as they would stare at me; Until they break the ice, act so beastly. Listen to their litany of...Read the rest...
Categories: sits, image,
Form: Personification

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member the new gardener sits on her pet lion
I had heard about the new gardener down the road for years. She had been unwelcomed by neighbors because of their fears. Has a lion for a pet, and sits on him too, one of them told...Read the rest...
Categories: sits, 11th grade, 1st grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member WOMAN IN THE GOLDEN CHAIR -She Who Sits Before Me Beloved Beautiful
Ever so Royal She sits Before me Answer a face luminates Her nose Embraces my aroma my sense blessedness connect holds her intelligent WOMAN IN THE GOLDEN CHAIR such a beautiful mind articulating her...Read the rest...
Categories: sits, analogy, appreciation, beautiful, devotion,
Form: Dramatic Monologue

Premium Member There Is An Angel Who Sits Upon My Shoulder Who Goes By The Name Of Death
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death, And though I cannot always see him, upon my neck I can always feel his breath As he whispers to me...Read the rest...
Categories: sits, dark, hope, inspiration, loneliness,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member scottish dog sits on Celtic mamas lap
Scottish dog sits on his Celtic mama’s lap Barking, growling, and lunging at every sap Who dares to try to court his mama, Miss LaBlap. You’ll never get married, says her Grandpa Rap. That may be says his granddaughter,...Read the rest...
Categories: sits, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Monorhyme
There Sits the City Gold
There sits the City Gold Where robbers ne'er grab hold, Nor rot, nor moth, nor mold. There sits a lava moat Not passable by boat Nor rope, nor writ, nor hope. Outside the people scheme As wise as any seem, To enter, distant...Read the rest...
Categories: sits, analogy, god, jesus, metaphor,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member She Sits On The Outer Looking In
She sits on the outer looking in As the party is in full swing Another family gathering With all the happiness and laughter it brings Her family….children and grandchildren Her reason since their birth Nurturing, worrying and loving them Her purpose on...Read the rest...
Categories: sits, age, change, family, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Beside You He Sits
Sitting by your side he sits “His arm around you and says, It's okay to let go, I'll always walk beside you And lay my head by yours. Never worry, for I'll always be with you. “ 1/28/2023...Read the rest...
Categories: sits, today,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Whilst the Muse Sits Idle
Haven’t sorted this years poems And another year is looming Yet my fingers dance and play Upon the keyboard every day Some say the poems that I write Are seamless, flowing, very tight Others pass them, look away Refer to them as...Read the rest...
Categories: sits, poetry, poets, writing,
Form: Rhyme
Across the Living Room Still Sits His Legacy Chair
Across the living room Quietly sits a chair In glum despair With no one sitting in it anymore It's cushion barely bruised nor used Since it once patron has past on And one can only hope he is as comfortable...Read the rest...
Categories: sits, dedication, love,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member She Sits Alone
The fire within her burning bright, her eyes, now dry, once overflowed. She sits alone and waits to write. It nearly snuffed her inner light; his passing seems so long ago, the fire within her burning bright. They don’t know grief,...Read the rest...
Categories: sits, child, sorrow, writing,
Form: Villanelle
It Sits In Judgment
There’s a voice that hides with message plain “IT STILL IS NOT ENOUGH” No matter how the phrases turn “THEY LACK THE FINER STUFF” It sits in judgment undeterred to flame and scold unbound To speak when I’m inopportune —and turn me inside out (Dreamsleep:...Read the rest...
Categories: sits, voice,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member In Darkness She Sits
In darkness she sits Her existence now revolving around mind created horrors. Her child, not at home. Has been away for weeks, perhaps months, for she has lost sense of time. She feels the anger, the rage. She does however...Read the rest...
Categories: sits, child, dark, depression, emotions,
Form: Free verse

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