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Sidewinders Poems - Poems about Sidewinders

Sidewinders Poems - Examples of all types of poems about sidewinders to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for sidewinders.

In the Lord Line Building
...There's a feeling of sadness Mixed with a wistful awe As we pick our careful way Across a rubble strewn floor. An eerie sort of half light, As though hiding from the day, Hiding our history unt......Read the rest...
Categories: sidewinders, change, fishing, memory, remember,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Through Blinders
...The truth can’t be seen through blinders. Eyes and ears covered with hatred. The tongue’s ready-lash sidewinders, twisting and spinning what’s sacred. The truth, the fact, reality masked - the......Read the rest...
Categories: sidewinders, truth,
Form: Quatrain

Premium Member The Castle On White Otter Lake
...The Castle On White Otter Lake That rustic, old log castle Stands facing the lake. Built by hand, by one man To acknowledge his presence, In a changing world, he felt He could not part......Read the rest...
Categories: sidewinders, endurance, nature, tribute,
Form: Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Mirage of My Saving Grace
...The black-as-widow’s-weeds night of endless stars was so cold... cruel as temperature plunged its frigid fingers feeling through my being fondling my heart and soul without mercy molesting me ......Read the rest...
Categories: sidewinders, dark, depression, destiny, heartbreak,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Hot Haiku
...slithering sizzle stalks scorching Sahara sands sidewinders dancing John G. Lawless 5/24/2016......Read the rest...
Categories: sidewinders, nature,
Form: Haiku

Solarium Sidewinders
...SOLARIUM SIDEWINDERS introverted hermit crabs share cavities appeased in their shielded double sanctuaries solariums of solitude misplaced platitudes humoring normalcy with cr......Read the rest...
Categories: sidewinders, irony, senses,
Form: Free verse
Tumbleweed Billy and One Eyed Sam
...Tumbleweed Billy And One Eyed Sam Banked off jagged hills, pushed on by memory Cause and effect took turns churning the sidewinders Tumbleweed Billy and One Eyed Sam (The patron Saint of snake e......Read the rest...
Categories: sidewinders, adventure, business, games, magic,
Form: Cowboy Poetry
Premium Member Dante's Divine Comedy Translation Canto Ix
...That color vileness painted on my face When coming back my duke to me I saw His new squeezing inside much more took place. He heedful stopped as man hearing to draw; Because his eye could not ......Read the rest...
Categories: sidewinders, fantasy,
Form: Terza Rima
Premium Member Opportunity
...Blue Moon tonight which is very rare It happens on New Years Eve once in nineteen years Will you be watching to see if it peeks through In New York City, Albany, or Calimazu Maybe in Ormand Bea......Read the rest...
Categories: sidewinders, education, imagination, nature, sciencenight,
Form: I do not know?
...I'm Melvin, C.E.O. of T.W.I.S.T.,,,which stands for "The Way I See This"... Here's some facts if you care to listen, they're about people called Bedside Christians. Do they love the Lord?, sure t......Read the rest...
Categories: sidewinders, peoplegod, heaven, god, heaven,
Form: Personification

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry