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Shute Poems - Poems about Shute

Premium Member Who Put Luebella Down the Wych Elm
... "Who Put Luebella down the Wych Elm?" There are rumours about me, some come seeking me with their geiger counters and ouji boards with their heart shaped planchettes ......Read the rest...
Categories: shute, muse, mystery,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Happy Duckling
...There once was a duckling so cute Who slid down a long water shute His mother was shaken by the risk he had taken But the duck thought the ride was a hoot......Read the rest...
Categories: shute, 1st grade,
Form: Limerick

Premium Member Who Plans It
...What does it mean when you hear the word "awesomeness" Does it mean things will be awesome for you? Or that you are awesome Whatever it is, just think it would be awesome It would be awesome whe......Read the rest...
Categories: shute, faith,
Form: Free verse
Mam's Park
...My Mam told me about a park she used as a child there was a real steam engine cemented in the earth for the children to climb and play within no safety nets to catch you as you fell or were you pu......Read the rest...
Categories: shute, memory,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Rodeo
...It was a hot and dusty day the crowd fidgets as it waits bull dripping sweat in shute bay. howdy folks the announcers say Raging Tornado in shute awaits it was a hot and dusty day. Saddle ......Read the rest...
Categories: shute, animal,
Form: Villanelle

Bumble Up time to be cute shute be bold your boby is gold its cold rap scarce before you started have on the right stuff BUMBLE UP......Read the rest...
Categories: shute, adventure, inspirational, , cute,
Form: Light Verse
Our New Baby
...its so cute shute makes me toot need loot to give all its mu love wall thiss not mabe OUR NEW BABY......Read the rest...
Categories: shute, adventure, baby, , cute,
Form: Light Verse
Dress For the Weather
...shute don't be cute look a mess but dress cloth new or old its cold so be bold staying warm is the goal until season get better DRESS FOR THE WEATHER......Read the rest...
Categories: shute, adventure, change, , cute,
Form: Light Verse
Dress For the Weather
...its cold so be bold shute don't try to be cute dress like a bear old or toung goat wear good coat it'll make you feel better DRESS FOR THE WEATHER......Read the rest...
Categories: shute, courage, uplifting, , cute,
Form: Light Verse
Dress For the Cold
...shute don't try be cute mabe you dress like a mess kept this boby warm have cloves thats sugge am told you need a soup bowl you need to DRESS FOR THE COLD......Read the rest...
Categories: shute, adventure, seasons, , cute,
Form: Light Verse
Love All Pets
...i love them she or him shute some or cute buy them world wide alway one by my side i confess i LOVE ALL PETS......Read the rest...
Categories: shute, adventure, pets, , cute,
Form: Light Verse
Why I Love You not just cute shute your smart too so much you say and do is WHY I LOVE YOU......Read the rest...
Categories: shute, adventure, fantasy, love, ,
Form: Light Verse
Getto Doowoo
...IT TAKES ME BACK i hear the music rack with the singing groups toots shute the woo make you stop\ theyer from the getto block i miss its a lot those GETTO DOOWOO......Read the rest...
Categories: shute, adventure, education, music,
Form: Light Verse
History of Doowoo Gold
...its was a time mabe my life shine you sing in the rain it cure the pain from music of soul toot with singing groups shute some was cute now theyer old was part ot the HISTORY OF DOOWOO GOLD......Read the rest...
Categories: shute, adventure, nostalgia, , cute,
Form: Light Verse
The King of Hop Pop
...he was the best yet that we could get he had taste can not be trace he was part of group that dance and toot shute on earth he did a lot and to shop he was THE KING OF HOP POP......Read the rest...
Categories: shute, dedication, fantasy,
Form: Light Verse

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